Lifestyle Tips Archives - Knowadays Teaching Proofreading and Editing Skills for the Digital Age Fri, 15 Dec 2023 16:40:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Lifestyle Tips Archives - Knowadays 32 32 How to Work from Home with Kids Sun, 26 Nov 2023 10:00:00 +0000 If you have kids and work from home, getting everything done can sometimes feel like an impossible balancing act. The daily tasks can seem endless: work, meetings, homework… the list goes on! If you’re feeling overwhelmed with juggling work and family, you’ve come to the right place. In this post, we’ve got some helpful tips […]

The post How to Work from Home with Kids appeared first on Knowadays.

If you have kids and work from home, getting everything done can sometimes feel like an impossible balancing act. The daily tasks can seem endless: work, meetings, homework… the list goes on! If you’re feeling overwhelmed with juggling work and family, you’ve come to the right place. In this post, we’ve got some helpful tips and tricks for how to successfully work from home with kids.

6 Tips for Working from Home with Kids

While it’s not always easy to work from home with kids, it can help to have a good routine and specific procedures in place. Try the following strategies to achieve a better work–life balance:

1. Have a Designated Workspace

It’s important to have a designated workspace in your home – and for your kids to understand that it’s only for your use during work hours. You can still create a home office even if you live in a small house or apartment; you just need to carve out a quiet space where you can concentrate without too many distractions.

2. Break Tasks into Manageable Chunks

Split your daily work tasks into smaller, more manageable chunks and work in short, focused intervals (e.g., the Pomodoro Technique). This way, you can be more efficient during limited periods of undistracted time. Focus on the most important and time-sensitive tasks during the kids’ nap times (or when they’re otherwise occupied), and save the less critical work for when you need more flexibility.

Also schedule short breaks throughout the workday to spend quality time with your kids. Not only does this keep you from getting overwhelmed, but it also gives your kids the attention they need.

3. Plan Your Kids’ Activities for the Day

Have supplies on hand and a plan in place for engaging activities that your children can do independently or with minimal supervision. These can help keep them occupied while you check work off your to-do list or attend a virtual meeting.

4. Set Expectations with Your Employer

Communicate with your employer about your childcare situation so that you can discuss expectations for deadlines, work hours, and flexibility. Most likely, your employer will want to work with you to ensure you’re managing your workload and avoiding burnout.

5. Be Patient with Yourself

Working from home with kids can be stressful, even under the best of circumstances. Be patient with yourself and acknowledge that you won’t always be as productive as you would be if you were in an office. And remember that it’s OK to ask for help and take self-care days when needed!

6. Consider a Flexible Freelance Career

Consider a career that not only allows you to work from home, but is also flexible in terms of the workload and schedule. Remote freelance work, such as a career in proofreading, editing, or writing, can be an ideal option for parents with kids at home. It allows you to work on your own time, such as early mornings before the kids wake up or at night after they go to sleep, and set your own daily tasks. And for many freelance jobs, it’s possible to get certified entirely online.

Becoming a Freelancer

Are you interested in pursuing a rewarding and flexible freelance career that allows you to balance professional life with childcare responsibilities? Check out one of our comprehensive courses! They’ll teach you everything you need to know about launching your own remote freelance business. Try a free trial today!

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7 of the Best Jobs for Van Life (and How to Get Them) Mon, 30 Oct 2023 10:00:00 +0000 If you enjoy traveling and are interested in flexible remote work, chances are you’ve heard about van life – and perhaps even had a look at van life jobs! But with so many options out there, it can be hard to discern which job might be the best fit for you (and how to go […]

The post 7 of the Best Jobs for Van Life (and How to Get Them) appeared first on Knowadays.

If you enjoy traveling and are interested in flexible remote work, chances are you’ve heard about van life – and perhaps even had a look at van life jobs! But with so many options out there, it can be hard to discern which job might be the best fit for you (and how to go about getting it).

We can help! In this post, we look at seven of the best van life jobs and how you can get them.

What Is Van Life?

Those who embrace the van lifestyle (often known as “van lifers”) live either full- or part-time in a van, traveling to different locations and exploring as they go.

Some van lifers live in converted vans or campers equipped with basic necessities, such as a bed, a sink, storage, a type of energy generator, and some form of toilet. Others live in larger recreational vehicles or motorhomes.

Van life is particularly popular among millennials and Gen Zs, but all kinds of people are attracted to the lifestyle. There are lots of reasons why van life is growing in popularity, including:

  • It allows people to live and work flexibly
  • It’s an affordable way to travel and explore new places
  • It’s a way to reduce housing costs (e.g., rent)
  • It can help people live a minimalist, environmentally conscious lifestyle
  • It creates opportunities for personal growth
  • It can provide a sense of community with other van lifers

What Are the Pros and Cons of Van Life?

As with any lifestyle, there are pros and cons to van life.

As we mentioned earlier, van life can be an affordable way to travel and see the world. Many people yearn for adventure but can’t necessarily afford to stay in hotels or B&Bs. Having a van that you can live in while you travel is ideal. It gives you the flexibility to go wherever you want, whenever you want, and funnel your money into activities and experiences rather than spend it on somewhere to stay.

By living in a van, you can save money on traditional housing expenses (like rent, mortgages, or utilities). This means that, if you prefer, you can work less than you would if you rented or owned a house – and devote more time to things like exploring the world and pursuing your passions!

However, van life comes with challenges that you should consider before jumping in. For most of the jobs we will outline below, you will need to have a reliable Wi-Fi connection. This is challenging when you are always on the move (although technology is improving all the time, so this will become less and less of an issue). You will also need to consider:

  • The upfront costs of converting your van
  • Ongoing costs (like fuel and any maintenance your van might require)
  • Adjusting to living in a small space with few amenities
  • Dealing with weather-related issues (e.g., making sure you can stay warm/cool)
  • Knowing how to find safe parking spots

What Are the Best Jobs for Van Life?

Naturally, there are some jobs that are better suited to van life than others. Working a job that requires you to attend an office every day is not going to be suitable for traveling. When looking for jobs you can do while traveling, you should look for the following information:

  • Whether the job is fully remote
  • Whether you are expected to work set hours (e.g., 9 to 5, Monday to Friday)
  • Whether you need to meet a minimum number of hours or amount of work

Now let’s look at seven jobs that are well-suited to van life.

1. Writing

Freelance writing is a great way to earn money while traveling because of its flexibility and versatility. There are several ways you can earn money through writing, including content writing and copywriting. Content writing focuses on creating informative content to raise brand awareness, while copywriting attempts to persuade the reader to do something that benefits the business (e.g., purchase a product). Whatever you decide, the flexibility of writing can help you support yourself while traveling. You could even write about your travels!

2. Editing and Proofreading

Editing and proofreading are great options for those who are looking to travel and need a way to earn money. While you don’t need a degree to get started, we recommend undertaking a course to solidify your skills. There are plenty of ways to find online proofreading and editing jobs.

3. Virtual Assistant (VA)

VAs are freelancers who offer administrative services to their clients from a remote location. Many VAs have a home office, but it’s just as possible to work as a VA while you travel. The great thing about being a VA is that you don’t need any formal qualifications, and it’s easy to get started.

4. Graphic Designer

Graphic designers are in high demand in an increasingly digital world. You could design anything from ad campaigns to product/business branding or animations. Graphic designers only need a laptop, Wi-Fi, and graphic design software to work, making it a perfect remote job.

5. Online Teaching

The most traditional job for young people who want to travel is teaching English as a foreign language. You’ve probably seen the ads for teaching in countries such as Thailand, Vietnam, and Cambodia. These require you to travel to the country, but you can teach English as a second language from wherever you like using online teaching platforms. The most popular platform for English teaching is Preply, but there are many other options you can use.

6. Social Media Marketer

A job that many Gen Zs are jumping on is social media marketing. This can be marketing for other people or companies or marketing for yourself as an influencer. HubSpot has a fantastic checklist for getting started as an influencer, but most of their tips also apply to social media marketing. Additionally, social media marketing can often be done from a smartphone, making it ideal for travelers.

7. Web Designer

Just like graphic designers, web designers are in great demand. Although some sites have DIY interfaces, these don’t always allow users to create exactly what they want, and, therefore, they need to hire someone to design the website for them. This might require knowing how to code, so it might be worth looking into learning coding if this is something you’d like to do.

Interested in Writing, Editing or Proofreading?

If you think you’d be interested in writing, editing, or proofreading, we have three courses that can help you on your way: Becoming A Proofreader, Becoming An Editor, and Becoming A Freelance Writer. If you pass your final assignment with a score of 80% or more, you’ll be offered the chance to proofread or edit for our partner company, Proofed, or write three blog posts for Knowadays, depending on the course you take. Why not try a course for free today?

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7 Simple Ways to Reduce Your Screen Time Tue, 24 Oct 2023 10:00:00 +0000 If you feel that your screen time is getting out of hand, you’re not alone. In this modern world, technology is a big (and often essential) part of daily life, especially for freelancers. Despite the many benefits of technology, like the internet and social media, it can also negatively impact your mental and physical health. […]

The post 7 Simple Ways to Reduce Your Screen Time appeared first on Knowadays.

If you feel that your screen time is getting out of hand, you’re not alone. In this modern world, technology is a big (and often essential) part of daily life, especially for freelancers.

Despite the many benefits of technology, like the internet and social media, it can also negatively impact your mental and physical health. Excessive screen time can cause vision issues, trouble with sleeping, and even depression.

In this blog post, we’ll give you seven tips to spend less time in front of screens:

  1. Track your screen time and habits
  2. Limit your number of screens
  3. Make your phone less appealing
  4. Schedule screen-free breaks
  5. Skip the screen and go old school
  6. Set clear work boundaries
  7. Switch off before bed

Read on to find out more.

Is Too Much Screen Time Bad for You?

Numerous studies have shown that too much screen time can have adverse health effects, especially in children and younger people. Some of the potential negative side effects include:

How Much Screen Time Is Too Much?

While there are clear guidelines about how much screen time young people should have, it isn’t as easy to define for adults. 

According to an article published by Time Magazine, experts struggle to agree on how much is too much because screens are often essential for many people’s jobs. 

One suggestion is that hours spent in front of a screen may not be the most important factor. Instead, what should be considered is the type of content being viewed.

Social media sites have proven to be the most troublesome type of content, with one psychological study finding that time spent on these sites should be limited to 30–60 minutes per day.

If you are unsure whether you’re spending an unhealthy amount of time in front of a screen, there are some questions you can ask yourself:

  1. How are your eating habits?
  2. Are you sleeping okay?
  3. How often do you leave your house and socialize?
  4. Do you get any physical exercise?

If you find that you’re not happy with the answers to any of these questions, you may want to reevaluate how much time you’re spending in front of a screen.

How to Reduce Your Screen Time

1. Track Your Screen Time and Habits

Getting an idea of how much time you spend looking at screens and what activities you do in that time can help you work out where to cut down.

Try tracking your daily screen time using an app such as Digital Wellbeing or memtime. Then, work out how much of that time is spent:

● Doing work-related activities

● Performing other essential tasks (e.g., banking, school or coursework or schedule planning)

● Browsing the internet and using social media

● Doing fun or leisure activities (e.g., watching movies and playing games)

If you find you’re spending more time than necessary on non-essential tasks, try setting usage limits. You might even want to delete some particularly distracting apps.

2. Limit Your Number of Screens

Looking at more than one screen at a time can overstimulate your brain and increase the negative effects of excess screen time.

So, even though it might be tempting to scroll through your phone while watching TV or working on your computer, try and limit yourself to one screen where possible.

If using multiple screens is a regular habit, you might want to physically move devices away from each other or keep them in separate rooms to curb the urge.

3. Make Your Phone Less Appealing

Phones and other devices are powerful distractions that engage our brains and provide a dopamine hit.

To reduce the time you spend looking at your phone screen, try making it less appealing by switching it to grayscale, lowering the brightness, or setting it to silent.

You can also take your mind off your phone by using your other senses, like smell and touch. Try lighting scented candles or bringing fidget toys into your workspace.

4. Schedule Screen-Free Breaks

You can reduce your screen time by introducing regular breaks on work days and longer screen breaks on your days off.

If you’re working, set yourself an alarm roughly every 30 minutes to take a screen break. This means all screens; taking a break from your computer to look at your phone doesn’t count.

Spend your time off work doing activities that don’t involve a screen at all, such as:

● Reading

● Cooking

● Cleaning

● Spending time outside

● Spending time with friends or family

● Creating art

● Exercising

That last point is especially important because it can be difficult to stay active while working from home.

5. Skip the Screen and Go Old School

While most work nowadays is done on a computer or another device, that doesn’t mean every task requires a screen.

A Zoom meeting could work just as well as a phone call, and a good old-fashioned pen and paper are just as good for taking notes and planning out ideas as your device’s word processor or notes app.

You can find many physical diaries and planners to suit your requirements, and if you want to try something a little more in-depth, bullet journaling can be a handy hobby and planning tool.

6. Set Clear Work Boundaries

One of the effects of scope creep is that the more your work time creeps into your spare time, the more your screen time will increase.

To avoid this, make sure you:

●  Set yourself fixed working hours each day.

●  Make sure your clients and colleagues are aware of those hours.

●  Turn off work-related notifications outside of your work hours.

What’s more, having clear work boundaries can also help you maintain a better work–life balance and avoid burnout.

7. Switch Off Before Bed

A good night’s sleep is an essential part of staying healthy and productive, but studies show that staring at your phone or computer screen before bed can:

  1. Make it harder for you to fall asleep, and
  2. Reduce the quality of sleep you do get

So, to keep yourself happy and healthy, make sure to quit scrolling at least an hour before you turn in for the night.

You can set alarms to mark an end to screen time and help train this habit, or even make your bedroom and bathroom device-free areas by removing chargers, devices, and TVs.

Ultimately, the most important thing is not to be too hard on yourself about your screen time. Even if you can only use one or two of these tips, any changes you make could have a positive impact on your health and wellbeing.

Becoming A Proofreader or Editor

Our courses will put you on track to starting your freelance career. Buy both Becoming A Proofreader and Becoming An Editor as a bundle and save 15%, or sign up for a free trial.

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7 of the Best Remote Jobs for Digital Nomads Mon, 16 Oct 2023 10:00:00 +0000 If a nomadic lifestyle appeals to you, and you’d like to give it a go, there are a lot of great jobs for digital nomads out there. In the modern world, it’s easier than ever to work remotely and live like a nomad. In this blog post, we’ll explain exactly what digital nomadism is, and […]

The post 7 of the Best Remote Jobs for Digital Nomads appeared first on Knowadays.

If a nomadic lifestyle appeals to you, and you’d like to give it a go, there are a lot of great jobs for digital nomads out there. In the modern world, it’s easier than ever to work remotely and live like a nomad. In this blog post, we’ll explain exactly what digital nomadism is, and then go on to explore some of the best freelance jobs for digital nomads. 

What Is Digital Nomadism?

A nomad is a person who doesn’t stay (or live) in the same place for very long. Digital nomadism refers to a lifestyle that allows people to travel from place to place and work remotely online.

If you believe that variety is the spice of life, this type of career might be for you! Some of the benefits of digital nomadism include:

  • Being able to enjoy a more flexible schedule
  • Having the opportunity to meet new people
  • Getting to experience different cultures
  • Escaping unfavorable weather
  • Being able to travel full time while working
  • Not needing to commute to an office/workplace

No lifestyle is perfect for everyone. There are some things to consider before grabbing your laptop and pursuing a nomadic lifestyle.

Being a digital nomad can be quite stressful if you aren’t well prepared. If you are constantly traveling to new places, you will always need to figure out directions to amenities, accommodations, secure access to the internet, etc. To balance travel with work, you’ll need to be self-motivated and well organized. Additionally, there is much less stability in the life of a digital nomad. If you prefer all the creature comforts of home, this might not be the right career choice!

People may also feel lonely if they are constantly traveling because they are not able to see their family and close friends all the time.

If you are not turned off by the aforementioned challenges, here are some inspiring examples of people who have had great success as digital nomads.

What Are the Best Jobs for Digital Nomads?

Appropriate jobs for digital nomads share a few key features. First off, you need to be able to work remotely. Ideally, the job will have deadlines that you need to meet or a flexible schedule, so you can organize everything from various time zones.

Luckily, there are a lot of jobs that are suitable for digital nomads. All of them will require a reliable computer and a connection to the internet. Experience or a specific education might also be necessary.

Here are some of the jobs we think are the best.

1. Language Teacher/Tutor

This is an especially good option if your native language is English, but there are people everywhere that want to learn a variety of different languages.

All you need to do to get started is be fluent in the language you are going to teach. Some jobs require experience, a university degree, or a teaching certificate, but there are plenty of jobs available for new teachers, who can get started by simply recording a lively teaching demo.

ESL (English as a second language) teachers are in high demand in many countries. Dave’s ESL Cafe is a great resource for finding those types of jobs.

2. Blogger

People write blogs on almost any topic. You can even have it focused on something to do with your travels, making it a great job for digital nomads. It’s not hard to start a blog. All you have to do is pick a topic or theme, choose your platform, and then start writing and posting on a regular basis.

If you want to be a professional blogger, you need to make money doing it. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to monetize your blog.

Getting sponsored, promoting online ads, or doing affiliate marketing are just a few ways your blog can provide you with an income.

3. Marketing Specialist

If building relationships online and maintaining them without meeting people face-to-face interests you, then there are plenty of marketing jobs for digital nomads.

SEO optimization, social media, and brand marketing managers are just a few of the options here. It would be preferable for you to have a background, education, or experience in the field of your choice in order to secure a suitable remote marketing job.

4. Webpage Developer

If you are very tech savvy, designing and building websites could be a good job. Tasks include coding, making sure sites function across different platforms, testing for bugs, and providing technical support.

To get started, you will need to make sure you have a computer that performs well and technical knowledge relevant to the type of work you want to do.

Job postings aren’t hard to find.

5. Graphic Designer

People who are more artistically inclined may want to pursue a career as a graphic designer. They can be in high demand for digital marketing and branding campaigns, and it is often not difficult to find remote jobs in this field.

To pursue a career in graphic design as a digital nomad, you will need to make sure you have a powerful computer with the appropriate editing software. You will also need a drawing tablet or some other way to digitize your designs.

6. Proofreader/Editor

Do you have a keen eye for detail? If yes, a career as a freelance proofreader or editor might be right for you. One of the best parts of this job is that you can constantly read (and learn) about a variety of different topics.

All you need is a word processing software, a thorough knowledge of language and grammar, and a connection to the internet. There are always people looking to have their work checked over by a knowledgeable second set of eyes.

If you find yourself lacking the skills for this type of work, they are not hard to acquire. Read on to learn about exciting opportunities to help you get started as a freelance proofreader or editor.

7. Writer

As a digital nomad, there are many different things you can get paid to write about. Freelance writing is an excellent career choice if you are creative, have a way with words, and have good communication skills.

Technical and creative writing, as well as copywriting, are a few popular writing jobs for digital nomads.

Having a computer with word processing software and connecting to some of the many freelance writer sites is all you need to start finding jobs. One of the most important steps in becoming a successful writer is to build a portfolio. Keep reading if you want to find out an easy way to do this.

Becoming a Freelancer

If you are interested in jobs for digital nomads, becoming a freelancer has never been easier. We can offer you help in pursuing some of the career options mentioned above.

Our Becoming A Proofreader and Becoming An Editor courses can help you learn everything you need to be a success. Moreover, if you pass our courses with a mark of 80% or higher, there is even a guaranteed work opportunity.

If Becoming A Freelance Writer interests you more, we have you covered there as well. You could gain three professionally edited pieces of work to add to your portfolio upon completion of the course.

Start your free trial today and see for yourself!

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3 Reasons to Join an Online Freelance Community Sun, 08 Oct 2023 10:00:00 +0000 Have you ever considered joining an online freelance community? While there are many benefits to freelancing, it can be a lonely occupation. Freelancers often work remotely, meaning there are far fewer opportunities to connect with other people. This is where online freelance communities come in! Whatever industry you’re in, there is likely to be a […]

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Have you ever considered joining an online freelance community? While there are many benefits to freelancing, it can be a lonely occupation. Freelancers often work remotely, meaning there are far fewer opportunities to connect with other people.

This is where online freelance communities come in! Whatever industry you’re in, there is likely to be a freelance community you can join. In this blog post, we’ll discuss some of the many benefits of joining a freelance community and share some examples of groups for freelancers in general, writers, proofreaders, and editors.

What is a Freelance Community?

A freelance community is a group, either in person or online, that comes together to discuss the highs and lows of freelancing, share knowledge, and support each other in their freelance careers.

Freelance communities can take many forms, including online forums, social media groups, and dedicated websites or platforms.

Some communities welcome freelancers from all industries, while others specialize in a particular field. For example, a freelance community may focus on writing or editing and welcome members who freelance in those areas.

What are the Benefits of Joining a Freelance Community?

Joining a freelance community has many benefits (too many to list here!), but below are a few of the most important benefits. 

1. Support and Mentorship

They say that a smart person learns from their mistakes, but a wise person learns from the mistakes of others! Mentors are an invaluable part of life in general, but they are especially useful when you are starting something new.

Freelancing has many benefits, but it also has its challenges. Finding new clients, managing your finances, marketing your business—it can be daunting, especially when you’re just starting out. When you join an online freelance community, you essentially have access to the experience of however many people are in that group. They can share their experiences, offer advice, and provide valuable emotional support. Just talking to someone who has been in the position you are in can be hugely reassuring!

2. A Sense of Belonging

Freelancing can be lonely. Typically, freelancers work from home, which can be isolating in itself. But it also goes beyond this. People who have never freelanced often struggle to understand the challenges freelancers face – but the people who join online freelance communities know exactly what you are going through. Having a sense of belonging can help you feel more confident about the path you’re pursuing and give you that extra push to reach your goals.

3. Potential New Opportunities

These communities can be a great place to seek new work opportunities. Some communities will have job boards or listings, and members will post about opportunities. For example, a freelancer may need to outsource part of a project or even turn down work (and therefore be able to pass the opportunity on to someone else). Or they may spot another job that isn’t right for them but that may interest someone in the community. Whatever the case may be, these groups may help you gain clients.

Examples of Freelance Communities

Now that you know how useful joining a freelance community can be, below are some examples of freelance communities you can join.

General Freelance Communities

Some of the best general freelance communities are:

  • Women Writers, Editors, Agents, and Proofreaders (Facebook)
    This is a Facebook group just for women in the industry. Here, you can post snippets of your work for feedback, ask craft-related questions, or find an editor or proofreader if you need it.
  • Freelancers Union
    Freelancers Union provides education, advocacy, and resources for freelancers across the United States. It also arranges events and meetups for freelancers to network and support each other.
  • Freelancer Talk
    Freelancer Talk is an online community for freelancers and provides blogs, courses, and mentors. It also has communities for different industries and a discussion board to ask specific questions.

Freelance Communities for Proofreaders and Editors

Some of the best communities for freelance proofreaders and editors are:

  • Editpreneurs (Facebook)
    Editpreneurs is a Facebook group that supports freelance editors and proofreaders, with a focus on building a successful business.
  • Louise Harnby – Training for Editors and Proofreaders (Facebook)
    This Facebook group provides a space for editors and proofreaders to discuss marketing, professional development, and training. 
  • Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading
    The Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading is a non-profit body that promotes excellence in English language editing and proofreading. It offers training, membership accreditation, and a forum where proofreaders and editors can ask questions and provide or receive support.

Freelance Communities for Writers

Some of the best communities for freelance writers are:

  • The Write Life Community
    The Write Life Community has both a website and a Facebook group. The Facebook group allows writers to network and ask questions about any stage of the writing or publishing process.
  • Writers Helping Writers
    Like The Write Life Community, Writers Helping Writers has both a website and a Facebook group. The website provides lots of information about writing craft, and the Facebook group provides writer-to-writer support.
  • Ask a Book Editor (Facebook)
    Ask a Book Editor is a space for writers to ask editors and proofreaders questions about writing. No promotion is allowed in this group, so writers can ask questions without being bombarded by pitches.

Becoming a Freelancer

Freelancing is one of the most flexible and rewarding careers. If you would like to learn more about how to take advantage of the freedom freelancing gives you, check out one of our courses: Becoming a Proofreader, Becoming an Editor, and Becoming a Freelance Writer. You can try them all for free, and see what appeals to you the most!

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How to Balance Freelance Proofreading with a Nine-to-Five Thu, 28 Sep 2023 10:00:31 +0000 Doing freelance proofreading alongside another job is a great way to earn extra money, but you will need to learn how to balance it with your nine-to-five. And balancing two jobs simultaneously is no easy feat! In this post, we’re going to share some tips to help you balance freelance proofreading with a nine-to-five without […]

The post How to Balance Freelance Proofreading with a Nine-to-Five appeared first on Knowadays.

Doing freelance proofreading alongside another job is a great way to earn extra money, but you will need to learn how to balance it with your nine-to-five. And balancing two jobs simultaneously is no easy feat! In this post, we’re going to share some tips to help you balance freelance proofreading with a nine-to-five without burning out.

Can You Work Full Time and Freelance?

It’s probably your dream to quit your job and become a freelance proofreader. While it’s possible, there are challenges you should consider before you jump in. 

Freelancing while working will provide you with a supplementary income, something that few people would turn down. It also lets you explore a new career path without the risk of going all-in before you know how it works. 

But you should carefully consider some of the challenges that freelancing will pose. The most obvious of these is that you will have less free time, especially as you’re building your new career. Are you willing to give up your evenings and weekends for the foreseeable future to build your freelancing reputation? 

Then there are some legal aspects you need to consider. You will also have to read your contract to see if your current employment allows you to take on outside work. If you work in a similar area to the one you want to freelance in, there might be a no-compete clause in your contract, which would mean you could lose your job by freelancing. 

Finally, you must think about taxes. Do you understand how your taxes will work if you take on extra clients? Of course, you could always hire an accountant, but that would eat into your profits. These are things you should consider before you start a freelance business.

How to Balance Two Jobs

Balancing a nine-to-five with freelance proofreading can feel like an insurmountable challenge. But it’s not impossible if you consider our five top tips below.

1. Plan When You’ll Do Your Freelance Work

Scheduling and planning your freelance work is the first step toward working two jobs successfully. To make the most of your time:

  • Plan your freelance work around your most productive times of day. If you’re a morning person, try and get some work in before your main job starts (and vice versa).
  • Try not to take on too much freelance work if you know you have a busy time coming up at your regular job. In most cases, it’s your freelance work that will have to fit around your main job, not the other way around.
  • Block out specific times in a calendar (physical or digital) for freelance work, and make sure to keep track of your deadlines. Seeing these in writing will help to motivate you and keep you accountable when you don’t have a manager to do so.

With a bit of organization, you should be able to effectively balance your freelance work with your main job.

2. Be Organized About Your Free Time

Planning your time off while managing two jobs needs just as much forethought as your work. If you have personal commitments, or simply wish to maintain a social life, you’ll need to plan out your routine a bit more than most people.

To do this, prioritize the things that are most important to you. It’s unlikely that you’ll be able to take on freelance work without sacrificing your free time in some way, so try to keep hold of the essentials.

If getting plenty of quiet time is important to you, then make sure you set aside the time you need. Alternatively, you might need to give up a few hours of relaxation in the evenings to maintain any hobbies or social activities you enjoy.

3. Use Automated Tools to Save Time on Admin

Don’t waste your precious time getting bogged down on admin. There are loads of great tools out there that can automate some of your admin workload. To help you balance freelance proofreading with other work, we recommend:

  • Using an accounting tool such as FreshBooks that offers income and expenses tracking, invoicing, and tax calculation tools. Many freelancers use accounting tools because they save time, hassle, and brainpower.
  • Making the most of digital project management tools. These can be a great way to keep on top of your deadlines, track your projects, and collaborate with clients.
  • Using automated social media management apps like Buffer, Hootsuite, or Tailwind. These services operate across a variety of social media platforms and can help you save time on your self-promotion. Take a look at the options available and see which one works best for your business (and budget!).

Using these tools will help you to balance proofreading with a nine to five without getting overwhelmed by the admin side of freelancing.

4. Communicate Well

While planning is important when trying to balance freelance proofreading with a nine to five, you also need to manage the demands of your clients, bosses, family members, and friends.

To keep things from getting on top of each other, you’ll need to keep everyone in the loop. This will mean:

  • Making it clear to clients when you will (and won’t) be available to take calls and answer emails.
  • Being clear with clients on deadlines and timelines for projects (and letting them know well in advance if you think you’ll be delayed in delivering any work).
  • Keeping your friends and family updated about when you’re due to work and when you’re free for social plans.

Maintaining clear communication with your clients will also help you maintain positive relationships with them and thus make future work more likely.

5. Know When to Say No

Balancing two jobs is demanding. So you need to be honest with yourself about when you need time off. It may be tempting to keep taking on more freelance work, but failing to take a break can end in burnout.

It’s in everyone’s best interests for you to (politely) decline work than to take it on when you aren’t feeling up to it or don’t have the time to ensure you can do it well.

This advice also extends to your social life: Sometimes you just need a proper rest! Your friends and family will understand if you’ve been working yourself to the bone and need to skip the occasional gathering in favor of some time for yourself.

Becoming A Proofreader

If you want to become a proofreading professional capable of earning two salaries at once, sign up to our flagship course! We even offer a free trial.

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Why Proofreading Is a Great Work from Home Job Thu, 21 Sep 2023 10:00:00 +0000 During the pandemic, many people sought work-from-home job opportunities, having realized what freelance proofreaders have known for years: how great working from home can be! Proofreading especially is a great freelancing job. Let’s take a closer look at why proofreading is a great work from home job. 5 Reasons Proofreading Is a Great Work-from-Home Job […]

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During the pandemic, many people sought work-from-home job opportunities, having realized what freelance proofreaders have known for years: how great working from home can be! Proofreading especially is a great freelancing job.

Let’s take a closer look at why proofreading is a great work from home job.

5 Reasons Proofreading Is a Great Work-from-Home Job

Freelance proofreading has many advantages. For instance, working remotely means you can:

  1. Have a healthy work-life balance 
  2. Vary where you work 
  3. Save money 
  4. Customize your workspace 
  5. Work more sustainably

1. Have a Healthy Work-Life Balance

Working from home as a freelance proofreader is great for flexibility, which makes achieving a healthy work-life balance much easier. And that can translate to:

  • More time to spend with people you love.
  • More time for your hobbies and other projects.
  • Control over your hours and taking time off when you want.
  • The ability to work more and earn a little extra when you need it.
  • Freedom to set your own career goals.

In other words, you can put your life before your job, not the other way around.

2. Vary Where You Work

Freelancing means you can choose where you work. For many, this means working from home. And setting up a home workspace means you’ll be able to create a space that’s tailored to your needs (as well as letting you skip the commute).

However, you’re not limited to just working from home! All you need is an internet connection and a place to plug in, then you’re free to work just about anywhere you please. And this means you can get out of the home office and vary where you work as needed.

For example, if you’re bored of your usual workspace and the sun is out, you can work in the garden instead. Or, if you need a change of scene after a morning at home, you can take your laptop to a local cafe for the afternoon. And if you want to visit relatives, you don’t have to book time off work, as you can take your work with your wherever you go, whenever you like.

Many people are becoming digital nomads, so they can travel the world while they work. Proofreading is one of the best jobs you can do as a digital nomad because of its flexibility. Many of our graduates, like Wendy and Samira, have used freelance proofreading to support their adventures around the globe!

3. Save Money

Because you have more control over your expenses, working from home is great for helping you budget, especially when you follow our budgeting tips for freelance proofreaders. But even without budgeting, as a freelance proofreader, you’ll be able to save money by:

  • Not needing to hire an office or co-working space to freelance.
  • Dodging the daily commute.
  • Making your own morning coffee or tea rather than buying it from a shop.
  • Having a home-made lunch rather than buying one.
  • Not being obliged to join co-workers for after-work drinks
  • Not having to buy new work clothes.

Given how expensive clothes, transportation, and dining out can be these days, savings here will really add up in the long run. And, as they say, money saved is money earned.

4. You Can Customize Your Workspace

As a freelance proofreader, you’ll probably spend a lot of time at home (unless you follow our advice in point 2). So, it’s important that you set up your workspace in a way that maximizes your productivity. And, unlike in an office, you can choose exactly what you want, from the desk and chair to the items on your desk. 

One thing that every freelancer needs on their desk is some greenery. Studies have shown that having plants can reduce stress, boost productivity, reduce noise levels, and decrease sick leave. These can be as big or as small as you like.

5. You Can Work More Sustainably

We all know how important sustainability is, but we often struggle to know how we can implement it in our lives. Working from home allows us to introduce more sustainable working practices, such as: 

  • Turning off appliances and lights when we’re not using them
  • Heating only the room we’re working in, rather than an office building
  • Avoiding a potentially lengthy commute

These are just a few examples of ways you can create an eco-friendly home.

Become a Proofreader

If you want a rewarding work-from-home job that gives you the flexibility to live your life, why not become a proofreader? Our Becoming A Proofreader course gives you all the skills you need for a successful career in freelance proofreading. 

Plus, if you pass our Becoming A Proofreader and Becoming An Editor courses with a distinction score, you’ll be able to take advantage of our guaranteed work opportunities! Buy them as a bundle, and you’ll save 15%. 

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10 Brilliant Benefits of Freelance Life Tue, 11 Jul 2023 10:00:00 +0000 Freelancing isn’t always easy. You have to manage your own workload. Sometimes you’ll have to chase up clients for payment. But freelancing has advantages, too. So if you’re not sure whether it’s for you, check out our top 10 benefits of freelance life: 1. Flexible Hours On the subject of conventional working hours, we agree […]

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Freelancing isn’t always easy. You have to manage your own workload. Sometimes you’ll have to chase up clients for payment. But freelancing has advantages, too. So if you’re not sure whether it’s for you, check out our top 10 benefits of freelance life:

  1. Enjoy flexible hours
  2. Work remotely, wherever you want
  3. Be your own boss
  4. Pursue your passions
  5. Avoid office politics
  6. Improve your skill set
  7. Control your compensation and earnings
  8. Test a start-up or small business concept
  9. Control your workload
  10. Have multiple sources of income

1. Flexible Hours

On the subject of conventional working hours, we agree with Dolly Parton:

Workin’ nine to five: what a way to make a livin’

Barely getting’ by; it’s all takin’ and no givin’

They just use your mind and they never give you credit

It’s enough to drive you crazy if you let it

And if, like Dolly, the nine-to-five drives you crazy, freelance life offers an alternative.

As a freelancer, you control your hours. Not a morning person? Then work later in the day. Have an appointment somewhere in the afternoon? No need to book a holiday; just make up the time later. In other words, as a freelance proofreader, you work to your own schedule.

2. Work Wherever You Want

As a freelancer, the world becomes your office. No longer confined to a dreary workspace, you have the freedom to work from home, a bustling café, or even atop a mountain (with Wi-Fi, of course). Armed with just a laptop and an internet connection, you can choose where you work, allowing yourself to embrace the freedom of location – and even travel the world while you work.

3. Being Your Own Boss

Saying no is one of the great pleasures of freelance life. Someone offers you a rate way under what you usually work for? Or they ask for a service you’re not comfortable providing? Or maybe a client is being rude and unpleasant? Just politely say no and move on.

It might take you a while to build enough business to feel happy about turning down work, but the key thing is that you are your own boss. And this means you’re in control of which jobs you take on, which clients you work with, and what terms you take work under. Bliss!

4. Pursuing Your Passions

Freelance life isn’t all work. In fact, one of the benefits of freelancing is that you can pursue other interests at the same time. This is why so many creatives – authors, actors, artists – also work as freelancers. We’ve had several people like this graduate from Knowadays!

Whatever your passion, the same thing applies. So whether you’re looking for a job that allows you to volunteer more, gives you freedom to write the novel you’ve been planning, or simply lets you spend more time with family, freelance life could work for you.

5. Improved Skill Set

As a freelancer, you have the freedom to explore various projects and work with diverse clients. This benefit enables you to expand your skill set, whether it’s honing your expertise in a particular field or acquiring new talents altogether. You can take on challenging assignments that push your boundaries, learn from different industries, and gain valuable experience that enhances your professional capabilities. Embracing the freelance life means embracing a constant journey of growth and improvement.

6. Compensation and Earnings Control

Unlike traditional employment, in which salaries are often predetermined, as a freelancer, you have the autonomy to set your own rates and negotiate your compensation. You can directly benefit from your hard work and expertise by charging what you believe is fair and adjusting your rates as you gain experience and expertise. The ability to control your earnings allows you to create a more financially rewarding career, in which your efforts correlate directly with your income.

7. Ability to Test a Start-Up or Small Business Concept

If you have an innovative idea or a business concept you’d like to explore, freelancing can serve as a launchpad. By offering your services on a freelance basis, you can gauge market demand, gather feedback, and refine your offerings. This flexibility enables you to validate your business idea while minimizing financial risks. 

8. Workload Control

As a freelancer, you have the power to determine the number of projects you take on at any given time. So you can strike a balance between work and personal life, avoiding burnout and maintaining your overall well-being. Whether you prefer a steady stream of projects or occasional bursts of intense work, freelancing allows you to tailor your workload to suit your preferences and lifestyle. 

9. Multiple Sources of Income

Freelancing opens up the possibility of creating multiple streams of income. Instead of relying on a single employer or job, you have the freedom to diversify your income sources by taking on various projects, clients, and collaborations. Ever had that one thing or idea you always wanted to try? Becoming a freelancer gives you the time to fulfill those ambitions for which you’ve previously lacked time.

10. No Office Politics

Finally, one benefit of escaping office life is that you also escape office politics. No freelancer has to deal with a bad boss making unreasonable demands. You don’t have to pick up the slack for lazy colleagues. You don’t have to get involved in the endless gossip and rumors.

Instead, you can just get on with your job, earn a living, and help your clients. 

Becoming A Freelancer

If that sounds more appealing than your current job, why not take a look at our courses?

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5 of the Best Remote Jobs for Military Spouses Fri, 16 Jun 2023 10:00:00 +0000 It can be hard to pursue a traditional career as a military spouse, even with a relevant degree and impressive work experience. One US Chamber of Commerce study finds that the unemployment rate for military spouses is over 20%, about six times the national rate. In this post, we’ll discuss: Keep reading to learn more about finding […]

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It can be hard to pursue a traditional career as a military spouse, even with a relevant degree and impressive work experience. One US Chamber of Commerce study finds that the unemployment rate for military spouses is over 20%, about six times the national rate. In this post, we’ll discuss:

  • The employment challenges military spouses face
  • How to find remote job opportunities
  • The best remote jobs for military spouses

Keep reading to learn more about finding work as a military spouse and how Knowadays could help.

What Challenges Do Military Spouses Face?

As a military spouse, you face various challenges when seeking employment. It can be difficult to maintain a steady job when your family has to move frequently, sometimes with very short notice. You must then explain frequent job changes or long resume gaps to potential employers. And if you’re certified in a specific field, your professional license may not transfer from state to state or country to country.

In addition to these challenges, childcare demands can be an issue if your spouse is deployed for long periods, especially if you have young children.

How to Find Remote Job Opportunities

Despite these challenges, it’s possible to find well-paid, satisfying work. Remote work can be a great option if your lifestyle is incompatible with traditional, in-person jobs. But how do you find remote work opportunities? An excellent place to start is by reviewing your skills and previous experience and considering the type of work you’d like to do. After that, you can:

  • Research your options: Based on your education and experience, make a list of suitable remote options. For example, if you have a degree in English, you could pursue a career in writing or editing.
  • Refresh your skills: If you’ve been out of the job market for a while, consider taking a course to refresh your skills. Online courses are often less of a time investment but provide valuable training.
  • Network: Networking is a great way to connect with other professionals. You can reach out to your own network of friends and family, join networking groups in your field, or attend industry-related events and conferences. You can also seek a professional mentor for guidance on getting started in your career.
  • Freelance or work part-time: If you can’t find a full-time position right away, consider freelancing or working part-time in your preferred industry to gain experience and start earning income.

5 Remote Jobs for Military Spouses

The best remote jobs for military spouses offer flexibility and can accommodate a sometimes unpredictable schedule. Here are five great options:

1. Proofreader

If you have a knack for spotting errors, a career in proofreading could be for you. Proofreading is the final step in the editing process and occurs just before publication. Proofreaders review text for grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, typos, and inconsistencies.

2. Editor

Like proofreaders, editors check for surface-level issues but provide authors with more in-depth guidance on plot, character development, and structure. They edit a variety of genres, from non-fiction to creative writing, and often work with clients on multiple drafts of the same text throughout the publication process.

3. Freelance Writer

Military spouses are often highly organized, independent, and adaptable, which are highly valued skills for freelance writers. Freelance writers work with individuals and businesses to create content such as blog posts, marketing materials, and white papers. They can pursue a specialized niche, such as technical or medical writing, or a more general path.

4. Transcriptionist

Transcription is another flexible remote job option. Transcriptionists convert audio or video files into written text. They need excellent listening and writing skills; sometimes, they may need to research or fact-check to ensure the transcribed information is accurate.

5. Online Tutor

An online tutor provides personalized instruction to students of all ages. They can work with groups of students or engage in one-on-one tutoring sessions. Tutoring is an excellent option for former teachers or anyone with a background in education.

Knowadays Courses

Are you a military spouse looking for exciting and rewarding remote work? Check out one of our courses. They’ll equip you with the skills you need to kickstart a flexible new career that “moves” with you. Sign up for a free trial and get started today!

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How Flexible Work Can Help Reduce Caregiver Burnout Fri, 09 Jun 2023 10:00:00 +0000 According to a 2020 survey, 61% of caregivers in the United States are also employed in paid work. With the pressure of juggling a job and the care of a loved one, it’s no surprise that many caregivers suffer from stress, exhaustion, and burnout. Luckily, flexible work options can provide a solution. In this blog […]

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According to a 2020 survey, 61% of caregivers in the United States are also employed in paid work.

With the pressure of juggling a job and the care of a loved one, it’s no surprise that many caregivers suffer from stress, exhaustion, and burnout.

Luckily, flexible work options can provide a solution. In this blog post, we discuss:

  • The causes and symptoms of caregiver burnout
  • Ways to reduce caregiver burnout
  • Flexible work options for caregivers

What Is Caregiver Burnout?

A caregiver cares for a loved one who is ill or elderly. They may help with arranging doctor appointments and prescriptions, providing transportation, and facilitating daily activities.

While caring for friends and family can be an important and rewarding experience, long-term caregiving can lead to stress and exhaustion.

When providing care comes at the expense of your own mental and physical health, your work quality, and your relationships, you may be experiencing caregiver burnout.

What Causes Caregiver Burnout?

Usually, a combination of issues related to providing long-term care cause caregiver burnout. These include:

  • The need to perform multiple roles within a family, such as being a parent or a spouse as well as being a caregiver, with few or no boundaries between these roles
  • The emotional toll of care work, particularly if your loved one has a progressive disease or a terminal illness
  • A lack of resources, such as money, time, and helping hands
  • Sudden changes in your life, such as having to move in with the person you care for

Sometimes, the reasons for caregiver burnout can be hard to pin down. So even if you don’t think you’ve experienced these issues, you should still watch out for the symptoms.

What Are the Symptoms of Caregiver Burnout?

The symptoms of caregiver burnout can appear insignificant or unrelated at first, but they can lead to significant distress. You may be experiencing caregiver burnout if you:

  • Feel exhausted constantly 
  • Have trouble sleeping or sleep too much
  • Have difficulty concentrating
  • Notice changes in your appetite
  • Start to lose interest in hobbies and other activities
  • Find yourself neglecting responsibilities
  • Feel increasingly angry and irritable or resentful of the person you care for
  • Have trouble relaxing
  • Get sick more often

Even if you’re experiencing one or more of these symptoms, however, you can reduce caregiver burnout in several ways.

How to Reduce Caregiver Burnout

Reach Out for Help

Whether you ask for a spare hand to help with the household chores or look for a professional willing to lend an ear, reaching out to those around you can help prevent caregiver burnout. You can do this in the following ways.

  • Delegating tasks. Being a caregiver doesn’t mean you have to do everything yourself. Try asking other family members and friends whether they can take on certain chores and responsibilities. You can even organize a chore wheel so everyone gets a fair share of the work.
  • Talking to someone. Whether it’s a friend, a helpline, or a counselor, having someone you can talk to about your thoughts and feelings will help relieve some of your burden as a caregiver.
  • Joining a support group. Caregiver support groups are online or in-person spaces where you can meet and interact with people who have experiences similar to yours. Having the support of a community that understands what you’re going through can make all the difference when you’re fighting burnout.

And although it can be a tough choice to make, deciding that your loved one’s needs go beyond your own abilities is important. Getting help from a professional carer, nurse, or hospice is nothing to be ashamed of and may be the best choice for everyone involved.

Allow Time for Yourself

Considering your own needs when caring for another person can be difficult. But you need to remember that your physical, mental, and emotional well-being is just as important as theirs.

Provide time to yourself by:

  • Keeping your daily to-do list manageable and realistic
  • Making space for regular, effective breaks in your routine
  • Pursuing hobbies and interests outside your role as a caregiver

Taking more time for yourself is nothing to feel guilty about, and you can do so without impacting the care your loved one receives.

For example, you can consider short-term hospice care. Many hospices provide respite care, a short-term care option that takes some of the burden off caregivers. Respite care can range from a few hours to several days, depending on your specific needs.

Find out whether any local hospices or other services offer this option so you can allow yourself to take time away while knowing that your loved one will receive excellent care.

Find Flexible Work

Caregiving can be an emotional and stressful experience at the best of times. When you have to provide care at the same time as holding down a nine-to-five job, things can get even harder.

But keeping on top of your career as well as your caregiving doesn’t have to lead to caregiver burnout. Flexible work – and freelancing in particular – can help you fit your career around your care responsibilities by:

  • Providing control over your schedule so you can plan your work around doctor appointments, therapy sessions, and household chores
  • Allowing you to work remotely from wherever you choose, whether that’s a waiting room or the home of the person you’re caring for (with the added benefit of more options should you need to change your location or living arrangements to care for someone)
  • Saving time you might otherwise spend traveling to and from work and thereby allowing you to fit more me-time into your schedule

What’s more, flexible work can save you money, improve your mental health, and give you the opportunity to pursue your interests – all of which will help reduce the risk of caregiver burnout.

Flexible Career Options for Caregivers

Flexible work can take different forms. If you already have a job you’d like to keep, consider asking for a different work pattern or shift schedule.

If you’d like to try something different, you can explore more flexible work options, such as:

  • Part-time work, where you spend less time working in exchange for a more flexible schedule
  • Remote work, where you perform your duties from anywhere in the world
  • Hybrid work, where you work some hours at an office or on location and some at home
  • Freelance work, where you choose your own clients, hours, and pay rate as someone who is self employed

Freelance work, in particular, can be a great choice for caregivers.

Offering complete training on how to become a freelance proofreader or editor, our Becoming A Proofreader and Becoming An Editor courses can provide you with the freedom you need to pursue a career while you provide care.

Save money with the course bundle, learn the ins and outs of freelance editing, and with our work guarantee, get started as soon as you complete the course.

Not sure if it’s the right direction for you? Sign up for a free trial and get a taste of what editing involves.

The post How Flexible Work Can Help Reduce Caregiver Burnout appeared first on Knowadays.

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