Organisation and Productivity Archives - Knowadays Teaching Proofreading and Editing Skills for the Digital Age Fri, 15 Dec 2023 16:45:54 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Organisation and Productivity Archives - Knowadays 32 32 How to Write an Effective Client Meeting Agenda Sat, 11 Mar 2023 10:00:00 +0000 As a freelancer, you’re in control of your work schedule, but you don’t get paid if you don’t work. Therefore, avoiding unnecessary or unproductive meetings helps you focus on your projects and optimize your workdays. However, it’s not always possible (or in your best interest) to avoid a face-to-face meeting with a current or potential […]

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As a freelancer, you’re in control of your work schedule, but you don’t get paid if you don’t work. Therefore, avoiding unnecessary or unproductive meetings helps you focus on your projects and optimize your workdays. However, it’s not always possible (or in your best interest) to avoid a face-to-face meeting with a current or potential client. So when you do need to attend one, it’s important to create an agenda that makes the meeting more efficient and focused. Keep reading for some tips on how to write an effective client meeting agenda that can help you optimize your meetings.

What is a Meeting Agenda?

A meeting agenda is a list of discussion points, topics, and objectives for a specific meeting. It’s intended to keep the attendees on track and increase productivity by providing a clear purpose and direction for the meeting.

Typically, participants receive a copy of the agenda beforehand so that they have a chance to prepare questions and ideas. A good meeting agenda has a logical flow that keeps the discussion moving. While there’s usually room for some deviation from the agenda, it provides an overall structure for the meeting and helps the participants stay organized.

Investing time to create a detailed meeting agenda saves you time in the long run. Without one, you risk getting distracted or losing focus, which may result in additional meetings later on.

When Is a Meeting a Good Use of Time?

If you’re a freelancer who charges on a per-project basis, you might be hesitant to schedule meetings – after all, any time spent in a meeting is time you could be working on the project. But while emails are a great way to communicate with clients, there are times when face-to-face communication may be necessary. For example, if you’ve just connected with a new client, it’s a good idea to meet (virtually or in person) to establish a relationship and ensure that you agree on project details, payment, and deadlines. Also, clients who you develop positive working relationships with are much more likely to recommend your services to others.

Mid-way through the project is another time you might want to have a face-to-face meeting with your client to address any concerns or ask any lingering questions. If the client hasn’t provided you with a detailed brief, this is a good time to clear up any issues and ensure the project is heading in the right direction.

Ultimately, you should ask yourself what you hope everyone will get out of a meeting before agreeing to attend one or scheduling one with a client.

What to Include in a Meeting Agenda

Once you’ve decided that a client meeting is the best course of action, what should you include in the agenda? First, determine what type of meeting it is. Is it an initial introduction meeting? Or is it a decision-making meeting before beginning a project revision? Knowing the meeting type is key to creating an efficient agenda.

After that, state the clear objective you hope to accomplish so that all participants come to the meeting knowing what to expect. For example, you may want to update the client on something related to the project or discuss your contract before signing.

Next, include the specific topics you want to cover during the meeting and estimate how long each one should take to discuss. This helps you stay focused and ensures that one topic isn’t using up too much time. 

Sample Agenda

Here’s a sample client meeting agenda that you can customize for specific clients and projects:




Meeting Objective:

Topics For Discussion:

  • In a bullet list, write the main topics you hope to address along with an estimate of how long each one will take.

Next Steps:

  • Detail your next steps and when, or if, another meeting is needed.

You can also include a section for off-topic discussion items or questions, especially if your meeting includes multiple people. This ensures everyone has a chance to be heard and voice their concerns.

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How to Use the Pomodoro Technique as a Freelancer Sun, 29 Jan 2023 10:00:00 +0000 While it’s always beneficial to be productive at work, it’s especially important as a freelancer, as your income often depends on how many projects you can take on.  The Pomodoro technique is a popular time management system designed to increase focus and productivity while completing work-related tasks. Read on to learn more about it and […]

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While it’s always beneficial to be productive at work, it’s especially important as a freelancer, as your income often depends on how many projects you can take on. 

The Pomodoro technique is a popular time management system designed to increase focus and productivity while completing work-related tasks. Read on to learn more about it and how to use it as a freelancer.

What Is the Pomodoro Technique?

The Pomodoro technique is a time management method created in the 1980s by Francesco Cirillo. The method is named after the Italian word for tomato because of the tomato-shaped kitchen timer Cirillo used to time his university tasks. 

This technique involves deciding to work on a specific task, setting a timer for 25 minutes, working until the timer rings, and then taking a short break (5–10 minutes). The goal is to increase focus and productivity during the 25-minute intervals by concentrating entirely on one task during that time without interruptions. 

Any outside distraction that pops up (such as a text or an email) should be noted and returned to later. After four pomodoros (a total of two hours), it’s recommended to take a longer 15–30-minute break to rest and refocus.

The Benefits of the Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro technique could work for you if you get easily sidetracked by small distractions throughout the workday or consistently work past the point of productivity. It can be especially helpful when working on large projects or time-consuming research. And since freelancers typically work for themselves, it can help you set achievable goals and reward yourself for progress.

For many people, getting started on a task is the hardest part, particularly if you work from home. The Pomodoro technique breaks longer tasks into more manageable chunks so getting started doesn’t seem so overwhelming. The time limit rules are flexible, however, such as when you have meetings that last more than 25 minutes.

Making the Most of Breaks

Taking regular breaks is an important part of the Pomodoro technique. Frequent breaks can help you to maximize productivity, increase focus, and prevent burnout. While working less to work better sounds counterintuitive, you’re actually more productive when racing against the clock to complete a task, and it helps to have the motivation of a break coming up. 

Make the most of your breaks by getting some physical activity, such as playing with your pet, stretching, or going for a short walk. You can even accomplish some minor household tasks, such as tidying your home office. Avoid activities like mindlessly scrolling through social media during your breaks, though, as this can cause eye strain and is difficult to pull away from after just five minutes. 

Ultimately, what you choose to do during your break is up to you, but ideally, you should be taking a rest from staring at a screen and using a different part of your brain.

Knowadays Courses

One of the benefits of a freelance career is the ability to create your own schedule. If you’re interested in pursuing a career as a freelance proofreader or editor, try our Becoming A Proofreader and Becoming An Editor courses

You’ll learn the skills you need to launch your freelance business and gain the freedom to manage your time how you want. Try it for free today!

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How to Spring Clean Your Freelance Business Fri, 27 Jan 2023 10:00:00 +0000 This time of year, you might be thinking about spring cleaning your home. And if you’re a freelancer, now’s a good time to consider sprucing up your business too! In this post, we talk you through five steps to spring clean your freelance business: Keep reading to discover these points in detail. 1. Refresh Your […]

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This time of year, you might be thinking about spring cleaning your home. And if you’re a freelancer, now’s a good time to consider sprucing up your business too! In this post, we talk you through five steps to spring clean your freelance business:

  1. Clean out your workspace.
  2. Have a digital tidy-up.
  3. Get your goals and plans organized.
  4. Sort through admin work.
  5. Freshen up your professional details. 

Keep reading to discover these points in detail.

1. Refresh Your Home Office

If you’re working from home, your office should have everything you need on hand to do your job. Take some time to assess your work tools and furniture. Is your chair comfortable? How about your desk? Could you do with some better lighting or a new layout?

If you find that your office could benefit from some updating or rearranging, you can incorporate that into your spring clean. In a similar vein, you should also minimize unnecessary clutter in your workspace. To declutter your office:

  • Test pens and other writing tools and get rid of what no longer works.
  • Check your drawers or other storage spaces for anything that doesn’t need to be there.
  • Make sure your desk is stocked up on essentials that are organized and easy to find.
  • Go through old paperwork and notebooks and shred or toss what you no longer need.
  • Put a recycling bin near your desk to reduce litter.

A clean and tidy office will remove distractions and keep you focused on your work so that you can stay productive.

2. Tidy Up Your Digital Space

With your physical space looking pristine, it’s time to move on to your digital workspace. If you don’t already have some sort of digital organization system, consider setting one up. 

This can be as simple as creating file folders for specific types of projects or arranging your apps according to when you use them and what for. Other ways to tidy up your digital workspace include:

  • Deleting files that you no longer need, such as duplicate files or documents from old projects.
  • Removing apps or programs you don’t use.
  • Setting up separate business and personal accounts for your email, social media, and browser.
  • Organizing your email inbox by clearing out unnecessary emails and organizing what remains into inbox folders.

If you’ve deleted everything you can get rid of but are still low on storage space, cloud storage can help free up your computer’s memory. It’s a good idea to have multiple backup copies of your files in case of any computer disasters, so in addition to cloud storage, you should consider making use of an external hard drive.

3. Review Your Business Goals for the Year Ahead

Spring cleaning can provide a good opportunity to set new goals for the next few months and adjust your long-term ones to make sure they’re still relevant. If you’re feeling burnt out or have been putting off doing something, for example, this might be a sign to reshuffle your business plan. Write down specific targets you’d like to reach regarding:

  • Clients, such as the number of people you work with or the type of client you want to focus on.
  • Services, such as what you can provide to clients and the rates you charge for your work.
  • Professional development, such as training in a skill related to your industry or learning how to market yourself better.
  • Any other aspects of your business.

Make sure each of these goals are realistic and achievable. Sitting down and setting out a plan for the direction you want to take your business will boost your motivation you for the new year and provide a clear path for you to take.

4. Get on Top of Admin Work

As a freelancer, you will likely be responsible for all the admin work related to your business. This means it’s important to keep things organized and under control. If you get ahead of admin tasks early in the year, it will be easier to stay on top of everything each month. Make sure to:

  • Update your calendar with any deadlines, meetings, and other work duties.
  • Check through your inbox for anything you need to follow up on.
  • Review any services, newsletters, or memberships that you may be subscribed to.
  • Find apps and software that can help you manage your finances, marketing, appointment scheduling, and other organizational tasks.
  • Create a budget for your business.
  • Work out the expected taxes you will owe for the year.

You can even set up a schedule for completing admin tasks throughout the year. For example, you might decide to dedicate one day a week to checking over your finances and following up on unpaid invoices.

5. Update Your Professional Details

As a freelancer, you’ll constantly be taking on new work and gaining new experience. This means it’s crucial that all of your professional profiles and details are kept up to date and relevant. To do so, polish and update your:

  • CV or resume by adding recent work experience and details of your skills.
  • Portfolio with up-to-date samples of your work that accurately reflect the services you provide.
  • Professional profiles, such as your LinkedIn account and any social media associated with your business.
  • Website with your current contact details, recent reviews or testimonials, and any changes to your rates.

And if you’re lacking any of the above materials, such as a portfolio, professional social media accounts, or a website for your business, take the opportunity to set these up now. If you’re stuck, check out our posts 5 Tips on Using Social Media as a Freelancer and 5 Tips for Designing a Freelance Website.

Becoming a Proofreader or Editor

Our comprehensive Becoming A Proofreader and Becoming An Editor courses will teach you all the skills you need to work freelance. And with a work guarantee and tips for freelancers, we can also help you kickstart your freelance business. Try our courses for free today.

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3 Ways Kanban Boards Can Help You Grow Your Freelance Business Sun, 15 Jan 2023 10:00:00 +0000 Although most people think of Kanban boards as a collaborative tool for teams, they can also be useful for freelancers working on their own. In this post, we’ll discuss how you can use Kanban boards to grow your freelance business. What Is a Kanban Board? Kanban boards are a type of visual project management tool. […]

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Although most people think of Kanban boards as a collaborative tool for teams, they can also be useful for freelancers working on their own. In this post, we’ll discuss how you can use Kanban boards to grow your freelance business.

What Is a Kanban Board?

Kanban boards are a type of visual project management tool. They usually consist of a series of columns, with headings like “Planning,” “In progress,” and “Returned to client.” Individual tasks or projects and their key details are contained in cards, which can then be moved between the columns to indicate their status.

Kanban boards display the steps of a project clearly, allowing you to keep track of where you are in the process and what tasks need doing when. There are many different types of Kanban board programs, with some of the most popular being Trello,, and ClickUp

Kanban boards offer a host of benefits for freelancers to help you expand your business. Let’s find out how!

1. Boost Your Productivity

Working freelance can make it difficult to keep track of all your individual tasks and projects. And when you’re trying to grow your business, it’s easy to get overwhelmed or burnt out.

That’s where management tools like Kanban boards come in handy. Kanban boards can help you focus on and prioritize your work by:

  • Breaking down projects that seem overwhelming into clear, manageable steps.
  • Keeping all the information you need to complete a task or project in one place.
  • Showing you where you’re spending your time and how you might better use it to improve efficiency.
  • Providing visual evidence of the progress you’ve made on projects, which can improve your motivation and self-esteem.

Some Kanban boards also come with the ability to impose limits on your columns. By limiting your “In progress” column to three projects at a time, for example, you can maintain healthy work boundaries while steadily increasing your clients and workload.

2. Impress Current and Potential Clients

As you take on more work, Kanban boards will help you to build good relationships with individual clients and larger businesses. 

For one, Kanban boards are a popular and recognized tool in many industries. By showing that you’re familiar with them and know how to use them in your work, you’ll demonstrate to potential clients that you’re organized, professional, and will collaborate well with a team that uses Kanban tools. As a result, they’ll be more likely to choose to work with you.

What’s more, one of the key benefits of Kanban boards is how clearly they convey the status of a project. This is especially helpful when freelancing, as you can share your boards with clients to give them an idea of your progress and when they can expect the finished product. This will improve your communication with clients and build better relationships.

You might even choose to create a Kanban board specifically for managing client feedback, enabling you to stay on top of reviews and testimonials as you expand your business.

3. Manage Your Work and Home Life

Kanban boards are a highly flexible tool, so you can adjust and use them however you prefer to stay on top of your work and home life while growing your business. In addition to keeping track of your work for clients, you can use Kanban boards to organize:

All of these things can help you to get organized, boost your productivity, and grow your business (and make more money!). 

Becoming A Proofreader or Editor

Taking a course and improving your skills is a great way to grow your freelance business. Our Becoming A Proofreader and Becoming An Editor courses can help you get started on your freelance career or give you the boost you need to get extra work. 

These courses even come with an offer of guaranteed work if you pass both with a distinction score, so you can start earning as soon as you graduate. Why not try them out for free? If you like what you see, you can buy both courses as a bundle and save 15% of the total price.

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How to Create an Eco-Friendly Home Office Sat, 05 Nov 2022 10:00:00 +0000 Being able to work from home is one of the many benefits of being a freelancer. And since working from home reduces your travel emissions and energy usage, it’s also a more eco-friendly way to work. But there are ways you can minimize your career’s impact on the environment even further. In this blog post, […]

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Being able to work from home is one of the many benefits of being a freelancer. And since working from home reduces your travel emissions and energy usage, it’s also a more eco-friendly way to work. But there are ways you can minimize your career’s impact on the environment even further.

In this blog post, we’ll explore five things you can do to create an eco-friendly home office. After all, if everyone makes small changes, it can make a huge difference to the world!

1. Digitize Your Paperwork

Ninety-three percent of paper worldwide comes from trees, so using paper contributes directly to deforestation and its associated environmental impacts. What’s more, the ink cartridges used in home printers are not usually recyclable and can release harmful materials into the environment if not disposed of properly.

Luckily, working from home makes it easier for you to reduce paper waste by using digital formats instead. Here are a few ways you can go digital with your documents:

  • Send forms, such as invoices and contracts, electronically.
  • Sign up to receive your bills and bank statements by email.
  • Use note-taking apps for notes and reminders.
  • Use time management and scheduling software in place of physical calendars.

For any paperwork that you can’t convert to digital (for example, if you prefer proofreading on physical copies), you can still use recycled paper and print double-sided to help reduce your carbon footprint. 

2. Explore Green Lighting Options

Keeping your home office well-lit is important for your health and productivity, but did you know that artificial lighting accounts for almost 5% of all CO2 emissions?

When possible, make the most of natural lighting. Make sure your home office is in a room with a window and position your desk where it will receive the most natural light.

If you can’t make use of natural light, there are several eco-friendly lighting options you can try instead. These include:

  • Energy-saving light bulbs
  • LED light bulbs
  • Low wattage task lighting, such as desk lamps

Whichever option you choose, just make sure that you’re still getting the amount of light you need.

3. Choose Sustainable Furniture

While flat-pack “fast” furniture is a cheap and popular option for home offices, it can have a detrimental effect on the environment. Fast furniture tends to be thrown away more frequently, is made from unsustainable materials, and has a high carbon footprint due to international production and shipping.

When outfitting your office, try to buy furniture from responsible manufacturers that rely on sustainable resources and design products that last.

Another option is to buy secondhand furniture. It’s inexpensive, saves resources, and often lasts a long time. You can find pre-loved furniture in these places:

  • Websites like eBay or Preloved
  • Apps and social media, such as Facebook Marketplace.
  • Thrift stores and charity shops.
  • Through neighbors, friends, and family.

You can also get rid of your old furniture through the same channels, reducing your waste even further!

4. Avoid Food Waste

Working from home means you’ll probably be eating at home more often. And with food waste alone causing at least 6% of all manmade greenhouse gas emissions, it’s important to control the amount of waste you produce in your kitchen.

Here are some ways you can reduce food waste:

  • Keep track of the food you have and when it needs to be used.
  • Plan meals in advance and buy only what you need for them.
  • Store food appropriately.
  • Freeze fresh fruit and vegetables to preserve them.
  • Batch cook meals and freeze them in portions.
  • Compost food scraps, such as vegetable peels and eggshells.

You can also limit packaging waste by choosing food that comes in recyclable containers or buying in bulk.

5. Develop Energy-Saving Habits

Creating an eco-friendly home office isn’t just about making one-off changes. Developing energy-saving habits will reduce your energy consumption in the long term and contribute to a more sustainable future.

Here are some sustainable habits you can start practicing today:

  • Switch off and unplug electronics when not in use.
  • Make use of energy-saving settings on your devices.
  • If you’re home alone, heat only the room you work in and make sure it’s draft-proof.
  • Take breaks from your screen when not working.
  • Consider investing in a smart meter to keep track of your energy use.

Becoming a Proofreader or Editor

If you’re looking for a more eco-friendly career, our Becoming A Proofreader and Becoming An Editor courses can set you on the path to freelancing.

Buy both as a bundle and save 15%, or sign up to try them out for free.

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How to Take Effective Breaks (And Maximize Your Productivity) Fri, 30 Sep 2022 10:00:00 +0000 Breaks are an essential part of any workday and can have a concrete impact on your health and productivity. This is especially true when you’re working from home, as the boundaries between work and free time can become more blurred. In today’s post, we take a look at exactly why breaks are so important and […]

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Breaks are an essential part of any workday and can have a concrete impact on your health and productivity. This is especially true when you’re working from home, as the boundaries between work and free time can become more blurred.

In today’s post, we take a look at exactly why breaks are so important and how you can make the most of yours as a freelance proofreader or editor.

The Benefits of Taking Breaks

If you’ve got a deadline coming up, or you’re just feeling in the zone with your work, it can be hard to convince yourself to take a break. After all, as the old adage goes, time is money!

But, in the long run, avoiding breaks can have a damaging effect not only on your work but also on your mental and physical health. In fact, taking breaks is good for you. Here are just a few reasons why you should be giving yourself some time off from work:

  • Your focus increases. It might sound counterintuitive, but taking breaks actually improves your ability to focus on a task. This is because the mind can only spend so much time focused on something before it starts getting tired and bored. Researchers have found that taking breaks (or brief diversions) gives your brain a rest and resets your focus.
  • You solve problems more quickly. When your mind isn’t focusing, like during a break, it’s more inclined to wander. And it’s while your mind is wandering that your problem-solving skills are at their best, as the brain explores different perspectives and makes connections that might otherwise be missed.
  • You can manage stress better. Working nonstop means you’re leaving no outlet for stress, which can start to build up and eventually lead to burnout. Breaks are an opportunity to release any stress that has been accumulating during your workday.
  • Your physical health improves. Taking a break from the screen can help reduce eye strain and headaches while getting away from your desk and moving around will boost your circulation and prevent aches and pains. Taking breaks can also decrease the risk of more serious health issues, like blood clots and heart disease.

Of course, not all breaks will provide you with the same benefits. In the next few sections, we’ll share some tips on how to set up an effective break schedule.

Find a Technique That Works for You

So, we’ve now established that breaks are essential. But how long should these breaks be, and how often should you take them?

There are many different break techniques and schedules out there, so it’s important to find one that’s right for you. Here are some of the more popular break styles you can try:

  • The Pomodoro Technique. This technique involves using a timer to schedule your breaks. Set the timer for 25 minutes, then work until your time is up. Take a break for five minutes, and then reset the timer. When you’ve completed four sessions (for a total of two hours), you can take a longer break of up to 30 minutes. This method provides motivation by having you race against the clock while also maintaining a regular break schedule.
  • Microbreaks. These are short, frequent breaks that you take throughout the day. They can be anywhere from 30 seconds to a couple of minutes long and should occur roughly every 20 minutes. They generally involve quick activities like having a drink, stretching, or practicing the 20/20/20 exercise.
  • The 52/17 method. This might seem like a random number, but DeskTime, a time tracking app, claims that the most productive people work for an average of 52 minutes before taking a 17-minute break.
  • A combination of all of the above. Mixing and matching styles can help you find the right balance for your breaks.

Spend Your Break Time Wisely

Taking a break means more than just spending a few minutes away from your desk. And there are some things you should try to avoid when taking breaks:

  • Avoid checking your emails or doing other work-related tasks. The point of a break is that you’re not spending it thinking about work!
  • Avoid scrolling through social media, playing video games, or engaging in other such addictive, low-effort activities. You might end up spending more time on them than you plan to, and they can even reduce productivity and lower your mood.

Instead, make good use of your break time by:

  • Relaxing. Take the time to brew a cup of tea, read a book, or practice some mindfulness exercises.
  • Working on a skill. You can focus on a constructive hobby, such as painting or playing an instrument, or improve your academic and professional skills.
  • Socializing. Chatting with friends is a great way to boost your mood and get your mind thinking about things other than work.
  • Exercising. Even just a short walk or a few minutes of yoga will help you feel refreshed and less stressed.
  • Cleaning or tidying. If you work from home, decluttering your space will help you feel more productive and remove distractions when it’s time to get back to work.
  • Closing your eyes. If you’re just taking a short break, give your eyes a rest for a few minutes. You can even take a power nap as long as you remember to set an alarm!

Becoming a Proofreader or Editor

Working as a freelancer can be a freeing career choice. Explore your options by trying our Becoming A Proofreader and Becoming An Editor courses for free. If you like what you see, you can buy both as a bundle and get 15% off the total price.

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10 Evening Routines to Set You Up for Success Sat, 24 Sep 2022 10:00:00 +0000 Good evening routines are just as important as good morning routines. It can help you unwind from work, sleep better, and set you up for success the following day. In this post, we’re sharing some tips to help you perfect your evening routine, whether you’ve got a day of freelancing or some well-earned time off […]

The post 10 Evening Routines to Set You Up for Success appeared first on Knowadays.

Good evening routines are just as important as good morning routines. It can help you unwind from work, sleep better, and set you up for success the following day.

In this post, we’re sharing some tips to help you perfect your evening routine, whether you’ve got a day of freelancing or some well-earned time off ahead!

The Benefits of an Evening Routine

For most people, evening is the time to start winding down, relaxing, and getting ready for bed.

Practicing a routine each night can help you get the most out of your evening by:

  • Using your time effectively to prepare for the next day
  • Distracting you from stressful thoughts and reducing anxiety
  • Preparing your mind for bed so you can fall asleep faster

It’s important to remember, though, that not all routines are healthy. A routine is just a collection of habits that you repeat – and bad habits are picked up just as easily as good ones.

To ensure sure your routine is a healthy one, here are 10 ideas you can try.

1. Set Work Boundaries

The first step to a restful evening is making sure you get out of work mode. This can be especially hard for freelancers who work from home, as there’s no change in scenery or a rush hour commute to mark the end of the working day.

Luckily, there are other ways to get your mind and body ready to wind down for the evening, such as:

  • Setting a finish time (and sticking to it!)
  • Turning off work-related notifications
  • Leaving your home office if you have one or moving to a space you don’t use for work

For more tips on work boundaries, see our blog post How to Set Healthy Boundaries as a Freelancer.

2. Have a Healthy Dinner

Eating well is a crucial part of staying happy, healthy, and productive. So, when it’s time for your evening meal, make sure it’s something that is filling, nutritious, and balanced.

It’s also important to get the timing of your evening meal right. Eat too early, and you might crave snacks before bed or be kept awake by hunger. Eat too late, and you might suffer from indigestion.

Find a middle ground mealtime that works best for you, and if you do find yourself needing a snack, choose something light and healthy, like fruit or yogurt.

3. Unwind with a Hobby

Whether you’re an off-road cyclist, yoga enthusiast, or amateur knitter, devoting time in the evening to your hobbies comes with a whole host of benefits.

Hobbies have been shown to:

  • Reduce stress
  • Improve problem-solving skills
  • Increase confidence
  • Boost overall mood

What’s more, if you spend your evenings exercising or playing a sport, you’ll be more likely to enjoy a good night’s sleep.

4. Plan Goals in Advance

Any good evening routine should include planning for the day ahead.

Think about what you want to achieve the next day, whether that’s completing a certain task on your to-do list, reaching a deadline, or working toward long-term goals.

Writing down your goals will get your brain started on thinking through tasks and solving potential problems while also helping you feel more confident about what tomorrow will bring.

5. Do Tomorrow’s Chores Tonight

If you often find yourself rushing in the morning, why not free up some time by completing simple chores the evening before?

Take some time every night to:

  • Pick out and iron clothes
  • Make tomorrow’s lunch
  • Collect any work materials

This way, you can get started sooner on the important stuff the next day!

6. Clear Your Mind

While preparing for tomorrow is useful, it’s also important that you don’t spend the whole evening thinking about work. Doing so can lead to stress and anxiety, so you should take time to clear your mind before bed.

There are all sorts of activities that can help you settle your thoughts for the evening, including meditating, journaling, or brain dumping.

Have a go at a variety of activities to see which ones work for you.

7. Tidy Up Your Space

Whatever your day ahead might hold, a mess can slow you down, stress you out, and sap your motivation.

To prevent messes from building up, challenge yourself to do just 10–20 minutes of cleaning or tidying every evening. This could include washing up after dinner, putting away work materials, or decluttering your bedroom.

This way, you’ll have the satisfaction of completing a task and taking control over your space without having to exhaust yourself!

8. Avoid Alcohol and Caffeine

Drinking alcohol or caffeine too close to bedtime can make it hard to fall asleep and reduce the quality of sleep you do get.

You should stop drinking alcohol at least two hours before sleeping. And, as caffeine can stay in your system for five hours, it’s a good idea to stop consuming it by mid-afternoon.

Of course, that doesn’t mean you have to avoid hot drinks altogether. In fact, herbal teas such as chamomile or lavender are a great way to calm down and relax in time for bed!

9. Indulge in Self-Care Rituals

Speaking of relaxing, the evening is the perfect time to practice self-care.

Self-care refers to any activity where you prioritize yourself and your wellbeing. Some examples of evening self-care rituals include:

  • A warm bath or shower
  • Lighting scented candles
  • Listening to relaxing music
  • Giving yourself a massage

What’s more, as you make these rituals part of your nightly routine, your brain will start to associate them with sleep. This means that when you start preparing your body for bed, your mind will follow suit.

10. Practice Good Sleep Habits

When it’s finally time to get into bed, making sure you follow proper sleep habits will improve the quality of your sleep.

This might involve:

  • Avoiding screens and electronic devices
  • Keeping your room as dark as possible
  • Sticking to a regular routine

Remember, different routines work for different people. You can try out and combine any of the tips in this post to find the evening routine that’s perfect for you and your lifestyle!

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5 Morning Routines to Boost Your Productivity Sat, 17 Sep 2022 10:00:00 +0000 Mornings are hard. Your morning routines (or lack thereof) can set the tone for your entire day, so it’s important to find a consistent set of activities to bring structure to those early hours. Having a morning routine leads to a multitude of benefits, such as reducing stress, boosting energy, and increasing productivity throughout the […]

The post 5 Morning Routines to Boost Your Productivity appeared first on Knowadays.

Mornings are hard. Your morning routines (or lack thereof) can set the tone for your entire day, so it’s important to find a consistent set of activities to bring structure to those early hours. Having a morning routine leads to a multitude of benefits, such as reducing stress, boosting energy, and increasing productivity throughout the day, so we’re sharing some tips to help you perfect your morning routine:

  1. Go to bed at a reasonable hour the night before
  2. Don’t press snooze
  3. Stay off your phone
  4. Have a healthy breakfast
  5. Organize your day

1. Go to Bed at a Reasonable Hour the Night Before

Before you binge-watch a series late into the night, remember the importance of beauty sleep. A good night’s rest is essential for balancing your hormones, keeping your immune system in check, and regenerating your brain and body – without it, your mood, concentration, and energy levels will suffer. Adults need 7–9 hours of sleep for optimal function, so you can’t have a productive day without a good night’s sleep.

Bed times are for adults, too. Make sure you get to sleep on time, and stay away from screens one hour before you go to bed, as blue light affects your circadian rhythm. Instead, try winding down with a cup of herbal tea and a book.

2. Don’t Press Snooze

When you hit snooze, the only thing you accomplish is giving yourself less time in the morning. Set your alarm for a reasonable hour that gives you enough time to wake up and do your morning routine. When your alarm goes off, open your eyes and stretch to wake yourself up. Don’t hit snooze – better yet, disable it on your phone or alarm clock. Once you’re out of bed, you’ll appreciate the extra time you have in the morning – more than the few extra minutes of sleep you could have gotten.

3. Stay Off Your Phone

For many of us, the first thing we do when we wake up in the morning is look at our phones. Endless scrolling contributes nothing to your morning routine. You may think you’ve only spent five minutes on social media, but you could easily get sucked into the wormhole and waste your whole morning away!

Set your phone aside until after you’ve completed your morning routine. Your messages, emails, and news can wait until you have some free time later in the day. (Pro tip: Delete time-wasting apps on your phone or reduce screen time by setting a limit for how much time you spend on an app per day.)

4. Have a Healthy Breakfast

Instead of reaching for a sugary bowl of cereal, eat a balanced breakfast filled with protein – such as eggs and whole wheat toast. This will keep you full longer and give you the energy you need to accomplish tasks throughout the day. It will also keep you from snacking later in the day. If you don’t feel like cooking in the morning, you can prepare a pre-made breakfast the night before, like these overnight oats.

5. Organize Your Day

Grab a cup of coffee, sit down with your pen and paper, and write out your to-do list for the day. Having a plan in place will allow you to accomplish your goals instead of putting them on hold for another day. Prioritize your tasks, putting the most pressing ones at the top of the list, and give yourself the satisfaction of checking off each task on your list once you’ve accomplished it. If you’d like to make your to-do list on your phone or computer, try out this app, which you can customize by adding events and deadlines so you don’t forget anything important.

Customize Your Routine

No more rushed mornings, skipped breakfasts, and stressful days! It’s time for you to reap the benefits of a morning routine. This is a basic guide for what your morning could look like, but you can build different activities into your routine that suit you, such as exercise or meditation. It’s good to experiment with your morning routine to figure out what works best for you.

Becoming a Proofreader

Interested in freelance life? Proofreading and editing could be for you. You can learn all the essentials to launch your next career – and save 15% – with our Proofreader & Editor Course Bundle. If you’d like to test the waters before diving in, try out either course for free.

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5 Tips for Writing Better To-Do Lists Fri, 16 Sep 2022 10:00:00 +0000 To-do lists can be a great organization and scheduling tool for freelance proofreaders and editors. But sometimes, the familiar to-do list can work against us; after all, what’s more overwhelming than a never-ending list of tasks and looming deadlines? That’s why, in this post, we’ll share our top five tips to make sure your to-do […]

The post 5 Tips for Writing Better To-Do Lists appeared first on Knowadays.

To-do lists can be a great organization and scheduling tool for freelance proofreaders and editors. But sometimes, the familiar to-do list can work against us; after all, what’s more overwhelming than a never-ending list of tasks and looming deadlines?

That’s why, in this post, we’ll share our top five tips to make sure your to-do list works for you:

  1. Find the tools that work for you.
  2. Keep your to-do list short.
  3. Write a master list.
  4. Stick to the specifics.
  5. Link to-do list tasks to your career goals.

Read on to learn more.

1. Find the Right To-Do List Tools

While this method works for some, there are many more options for writing to-do lists to explore. These include using:

  • physical planners, diaries, or calendars
  • the bullet journal method
  • word processing and spreadsheet software
  • apps and programs designed to create to-do lists (such as Todoist and

Think about which of these types of to-do lists will best suit your workflow. Keep in mind factors such as your budget, workspace, and personal needs.

2. Limit Your Daily List to 3–5 Tasks

This might sound counterproductive, but shorter to-do lists are more manageable and far less intimidating than longer ones.

A long to-do list can make it difficult to focus on each task without worrying about everything else that needs completing. You might also find yourself struggling to complete the entire list in time, which can be demoralizing and stressful.

By limiting yourself to just three to five tasks a day, you’re setting yourself up for success.

Use the following criteria to decide which tasks will make the cut:

  • The task has a hard deadline or is time sensitive.
  • The task is something that needs to be done, not something you hope you can do.
  • The task has a clearly defined start and end (i.e., not a repetitive task such as “check email inbox”).

If you complete all of these tasks before the end of the day, you can then move on to extra tasks.

Of course, keeping such a short to-do list means you’ll have to miss off some important activities, but if you’re worried about forgetting some of your daily or weekly tasks, we have a solution in our next tip.

3. Keep a Master To-Do List

For every task that doesn’t make it onto your streamlined daily to-do list, put it on a master list instead.

This is simply a list of everything you would like to complete within a given time frame: either daily, weekly, or monthly, depending on your schedule and workload.

You might want to split tasks up into sections to make your master list easier to scan. For example, you could use subheadings such as “Finance,” “Work Projects,” and “Continuing Professional Development.”

Now, you might be thinking that this advice contradicts our previous tip, but the important distinction between your daily list and your master list is this: once you’ve written your master list, keep it out of sight.

That’s because the point of this list isn’t to prompt you to finish every task on it; it’s simply a tool to help you remember what you would like to get done.

You can then refer back to this list at the start of each day and move tasks onto your daily to-do list when necessary.

4. Stay Specific

You might think you’re saving time by jotting down a quick note like “respond to emails” or “work on website” on your to-do list. But vague entries like these can actually make you feel less motivated, as they appear broad and overwhelming.

When you write each entry on your list, make sure it is a specific, individual task. It can help to imagine you’re telling someone else what to do: you need to provide clear instructions on the task that needs completing and break it down into steps that are easy to follow.

“Work on website,” for example, could instead become “write descriptions for services page.”

Now you’ve got something specific to focus your attention on.

5. Use Your Goals as Motivation

If you find yourself reluctant to get started on a to-do list entry, try associating it with a goal you’re working towards.

For example, let’s say your goal is to gain 10 new clients. On your to-do list, you have an entry titled “Write business descriptions for social media profiles.” You can link your goal with this task by giving a reason under your to-do list entry:

  • Write business descriptions for social media profiles. Reason: This will make my proofreading business more visible to potential clients online.

Having a tangible result will help you find the motivation to complete tasks. And if your goals are time-sensitive, identifying related tasks will help you know which ones to prioritize.

If your goal is to start a career as a freelance proofreader or editor, you can add signing up for a free trial of our courses to your to-do list. Buy both Becoming A Proofreader and Becoming An Editor as a bundle, and you’ll save 15%.

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Freelance Tips: 7 Things to Put in Your Home Office Wed, 18 May 2022 10:00:00 +0000 Working as a freelance proofreader can mean spending a lot of time in your home office. It’s important that your space offers everything you need to work efficiently, healthily, and happily. So, if you’re itching to follow up on your new year’s resolutions (or just fancy changing up your workspace), here are seven things you […]

The post Freelance Tips: 7 Things to Put in Your Home Office appeared first on Knowadays.

Working as a freelance proofreader can mean spending a lot of time in your home office. It’s important that your space offers everything you need to work efficiently, healthily, and happily.

So, if you’re itching to follow up on your new year’s resolutions (or just fancy changing up your workspace), here are seven things you can add to your home office to boost your mood and productivity:

  1. Decent furniture so that you can work comfortably and efficiently.
  2. Good lighting so that you don’t strain your eyes.
  3. Organizational tools so that you can manage your working life.
  4. Noise-canceling headphones to block out distractions.
  5. Art and photos to give your workspace some personality.
  6. Candles and diffusers to freshen up the air around you.
  7. Houseplants to bring a little bit of the outdoors inside.

Read on to learn more about how to create a great home office!

1. Comfortable Furniture

If you’re spending several hours at your desk every day (or even most days), it’s crucial that you’re comfortable. It is therefore vital to invest in high-quality furniture.

Perhaps most importantly, an ergonomic chair that properly supports your lower back will help you maintain good posture and prevent distractions from any nagging pain or discomfort.

If you’d rather not replace your office chair entirely, you could invest in a back rest, memory foam cushion, or wrist rest instead. And if you’d like to take an occasional break from sitting down, an adjustable laptop stand or standing desk can make that possible!

2. Good Lighting

A poorly lit workspace can cause eye strain and headaches, so you shouldn’t rely entirely on harsh overhead lighting in your home office.

Of course, natural light is favorable if you can place your desk near a window, but if that’s not an option, a floor or desk lamp that can be adjusted for warmth and brightness will help you to stay focused without forcing you to squint at your screen.

Good lighting is also known to improve your mental well-being, which increases motivation. And for those of us who live in regions with long, dark winters, a sun lamp makes for an ideal light source and mood booster.

3. Organizational Tools

There are endless digital tools out there to help you stay organized, but it doesn’t hurt to keep a few old-school methods on hand too.

It’s easy to click away from an app or browser tab, but a physical calendar or planner on your desk can serve as a constant visual reminder of any upcoming meetings, events, and deadlines.

An organizer tray can also be useful for keeping track of stationery or paperwork (like the print copies of documents you’re proofreading!).

4. Noise-canceling Headphones

Whether it’s the bustling sounds of a busy family or the never-ending drill from a nearby building site, noise can be a big distraction while working from home.

You don’t need to spend time soundproofing your office, though – simply investing in a pair of noise-canceling headphones should do the trick!

Along with helping you to stay focused, these kinds of headphones can improve the quality of any work calls you make and allow you to communicate more clearly with your clients.

5. Art and Photos

People often overlook the word home in home office. You want your office to feel welcoming, so try adding some personality by decorating it with your favorite artwork, family photos, and anything else that adds warmth and cheer. You could even put up pictures that inspire you to work toward your goals – how about a poster of your dream holiday location or that piece of tech you’ve been saving up for?

6. Candles and Diffusers

Lavender for serenity, jasmine for confidence, peppermint for vitality…

Whether or not you believe in the healing power of aromatherapy, it’s true that a smell can trigger a memory or prompt a shift in mood, and a fragrant candle can transform your home office into a tranquil haven.

If you don’t want open flames around your desk, there are fire-free alternatives out there, such as essential oil diffusers and wax melts.

7. Houseplants

It’s been proven that proximity to nature benefits people in many ways, from increasing happiness to improving focus. While some freelancers are lucky enough to work in the great outdoors itself, for the rest of us, houseplants are the next best thing.

Not only can they brighten up your workspace, but they can also improve air flow and quality. Spider plants and rubber plants are some of the best air purifiers, while cacti, succulents, and devil’s ivy are all easy-to-care-for plants that can liven up your office.

Become a Proofreader

Would you like to make use of your own home office? Start your journey to becoming a freelance proofreader today with a free trial of our comprehensive course.

The post Freelance Tips: 7 Things to Put in Your Home Office appeared first on Knowadays.

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