Online Learning Archives - Knowadays Teaching Proofreading and Editing Skills for the Digital Age Fri, 15 Dec 2023 15:49:21 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Online Learning Archives - Knowadays 32 32 Are Online Courses Worth It? Mon, 20 Nov 2023 10:00:00 +0000 Are online courses worth it? This is a question that many aspiring professionals and career changers ask themselves. With so many online courses available, deciding which one is worth your time and money can be difficult. In this blog post, we’ll: What Are the Advantages of Online Learning? The internet is vast, offering various courses […]

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Are online courses worth it? This is a question that many aspiring professionals and career changers ask themselves. With so many online courses available, deciding which one is worth your time and money can be difficult. In this blog post, we’ll:

  • Explore the advantages and disadvantages of online learning
  • Provide some pointers to help you decide whether online learning is right for you
  • Give some examples of online course providers

What Are the Advantages of Online Learning?

The internet is vast, offering various courses on a wide range of subjects, from lots of different institutions and colleges. Online courses can help you expand your skills and knowledge, demonstrate your commitment to learning, and help you achieve your career goals more quickly.

1. Easy Access

There are many reasons why people may not be able to attend face-to-face classes. First, online classes often provide more flexibility. This is great for people who need to fit their studies around other commitments, such as work or looking after their family. Face-to-face classes also require transportation to specific locations, which some people may not have easy access to. Similarly, they may not live within a reasonable distance of good face-to-face options. Online courses cut out the need for travel completely!

Second, face-to-face classes aren’t necessarily well suited to, or accessible for, everyone. Thanks to technological advancements and the increasing trend of remote work, online courses have made learning more accessible. Some people find that they learn better in a more independent environment, where they have greater control over the style and pace of learning. Online or remote learning also allows individuals (e.g., those with disabilities or particular learning requirements) to customize their learning environment to suit their needs.

Online courses allow individuals to learn at their own pace, fit learning around their existing schedules, and save time and money.

2. Tailored to You

Online courses typically have smaller class sizes compared to traditional courses. This allows learners to have more one-on-one time with the teacher or tutor, making it easier to personalize learning and address individual needs. Learning resources (such as videos, ebooks, forums, and online workbooks) are often included within the course cost, making them more affordable and easier to access.

3. Less Expensive

Enrolling in an online course can be more affordable than attending a traditional face-to-face class. Online institutions often offer flexible payment options such as monthly installments, per-lesson payments, and reduced fees or scholarships to entice students to join. Additionally, taking an online course eliminates the need to commute, saving you money on transportation costs.

4. Leads to Better Salary

The job market is constantly evolving, and businesses are now seeking candidates with diverse skills, whether hard or soft. Although a college degree may increase your chances of landing a high-paying job, online professional courses can provide practical tips and skills through project-based learning. Building a portfolio of your work can demonstrate to potential employers that you have hands-on experience as well as theoretical knowledge.

5. Enriches Networking

Investing in job-oriented courses not only helps you gain valuable skills, it could also provide networking opportunities with industry professionals. Connecting with experts in your field can help you expand your network and advance your career by making it more likely that you’ll be recommended by others for jobs/opportunities. Many courses offer a comprehensive personal and professional development approach, helping you work on your communication skills and confidence as well as teaching you new skills.

6. Demonstrates Your Passion

Investing time in building your knowledge base demonstrates that you are committed to Continuing Professional Development (CPD), or in other words, improving yourself and the results you achieve for your employers or clients. CPD can involve taking online courses in your field, as well as a number of other activities. CPD can help established professionals stay up to date with industry skills and knowledge, take on more complex work, and work more efficiently. For career changers, CPD demonstrates a commitment to building new knowledge and skills, and can help to prove their credibility.

What Are the Disadvantages of Online Learning?

There are many common concerns that people have when it comes to online learning (and whether it matches up to face-to-face learning).

Some people worry that online courses are not as rigorous, or as credible, as traditional in-person courses. While some online courses come from established providers (like colleges or universities) others are less well-known. It can be harder to ascertain the credibility of these courses. However, this issue can be avoided with some thorough research. Before taking any course, you should do some due diligence. For example: check that the course covers all the basics, see if it requires assessment to gain certification, and read reviews from previous graduates.

Another potential disadvantage of online learning is that, if a course has been around for a while, the material may not have been updated to keep up with current trends. This is a valid concern, as employers and clients may not respect courses or accreditations that are out-of-date! Once again, however, this issue is easily avoided. Make sure you are familiar with the latest industry requirements in your field, and check that any course you take covers all the bases. You could also check online reviews, and see if you can find anyone in your network (real life or online) that can recommend the course.

Finally, online learning isn’t suited to everyone’s learning style. Some people find motivation in connecting with other people who have the same goals, but many online courses involve a lot of independent work. If you’re the type of person who prefers group work, or learning in a traditional classroom surrounded by other people, you may find it harder to find an online course that caters to these needs. However, all is not lost – lots of courses offer things like webinars and virtual group sessions, so it is possible to find a course that offers the right support for you. It might just take a little more research!

Is Online Learning for You?

So, are online courses worth it? Before you embark on your learning journey, there are various factors you should consider.

1. What Is Best for Your Career Path?

Some careers require specific certifications or qualifications (e.g., healthcare, accounting, teaching) to get started, which may not be available online. Once you have those, though, you could consider adding to your resume with complementary certifications. These will show employers and/or clients your commitment to improving your skills, and going above and beyond the minimum requirements for your field. As an example, a teacher might choose to take a short course on SEN education or teaching computing skills.

For jobs that don’t require specific qualifications, an online certification can help you stand out from the crowd. For example, a data entry clerk could improve their Microsoft Office skills, or an editor could add formatting to their repertoire.

2. Can You Justify the Cost?

When contemplating professional certification courses, it’s a good idea to weigh the benefits of the course against the cost. For example, is it likely to advance your career? Could it result in an increased salary? Will it help you attract new opportunities? If the answer is yes, it’s most likely a good investment.

3. What Are Your Goals?

When deciding whether to take an online course, always keep your goals in mind. If you’re just starting out in a new career, obtaining a recognized industry-wide certification can boost your resume and help you advance in your chosen career path.

If you’re already established in your career, an online course could help you upskill and reach the next level. This is especially true for freelancers looking to expand their horizons. Not only will it make your resume stand out, but it could also open up new doors and opportunities for you to explore.

4. Which Is Better: A Degree Program or a Certificate?

Choosing between a degree and a certificate depends on your field, and your career goals. As we mentioned previously, some careers require specific qualifications, which are non-negotiable. Other careers do not require specific qualifications (although they might be beneficial). For those careers, a degree may not always be necessary or provide a return on investment to justify its cost. Instead, a recognized accreditation or certification may be better. They can be completed more quickly, more flexibly, and according to Forbes, you can expect a 13–25% salary increase after taking one!

Where to Find Online Courses

There is an abundance of resources out there! Here are just a few examples you can choose from that cater to a range of budgets.

  • Knowadays
    Knowadays offers accredited courses helping you to become a proofreader, editor, or freelance writer. Expert instructors lead CPD-certified courses that come with guaranteed work opportunities for graduates who pass with distinction.
  • Udemy
    Udemy offers a wide range of online video courses on various subjects. Courses are often created by independent instructors who are experts in their field, allowing individuals to gain valuable industry insights.
  • Coursera
    Coursera provides access to professional certificates, and even full degrees, from world-class universities and companies. Their diverse range of courses cover numerous subject specialisms and fields.
  • FutureLearn
    FutureLearn is an online learning platform that offers a range of free and paid courses, as well as microcredentials and degrees from universities and other educational institutions. FutureLearn has a focus on professional development and lifelong learning, and is a great resource for people at any stage of their career.
  • EdX
    EdX offers access to courses, micro-credentials, and even full degree programs from top universities and colleges, with a strong emphasis on Massive Open Online Courses, otherwise known as MOOCs.
  • LinkedIn Learning
    LinkedIn Learning provides a library of courses and video tutorials on a wide range of professional and technical skills. If you have a LinkedIn profile, you can show off your LinkedIn Learning achievements to potential employers or clients.
  • Masterclass
    Masterclass offers video lessons taught by experts and celebrities in various fields – cooking, music, writing, and more – providing valuable insights from industry leaders.
  • Skillshare
    Skillshare is a platform where instructors offer courses and workshops on creative skills, including design, photography, and entrepreneurship.
  • HubSpot
    HubSpot Academy provides free courses on inbound marketing, sales, and customer service, helping individuals and businesses improve their digital marketing and sales strategies.
  • Grow with Google
    Grow with Google offers free courses and resources on digital skills, such as data analysis, digital marketing, and coding, with the aim of helping individuals thrive in the digital age.

Finally, don’t miss out on the opportunity to enhance your skills and knowledge with courses provided by your employer. Ensure that you’re getting the most out of these offerings by requesting a tailored selection from your HR department or team leaders. With the right courses, you’ll be equipped to excel in your current role and beyond.

Becoming a Freelancer

If you’re looking for professional development courses, our CPD-accredited courses are a great option. Completing one of our courses will earn you a certification, which is an excellent addition to your resume. For new freelancers, our courses provide a fast-track route to proofreading, editing, or writing. Our courses offer CPD and career development opportunities for current professionals and freelancers. So, if you want to improve your skills and advance your career, sign up for our free trial today!

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How to Find Your Learning Style and Study More Effectively Tue, 10 Oct 2023 10:00:00 +0000 If you’re trying to learn a new skill around a busy schedule, like by taking an online course, knowing how to make the most of your limited study time can be beneficial. Remember that effective learning is more than just memorization and speed reading; understanding how you learn best can help you process and retain […]

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If you’re trying to learn a new skill around a busy schedule, like by taking an online course, knowing how to make the most of your limited study time can be beneficial. Remember that effective learning is more than just memorization and speed reading; understanding how you learn best can help you process and retain the information you need.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the VARK system, which suggests that there are four key learning styles: visual, auditory, reading and writing, and kinesthetic. Even though not everyone fits neatly into one category, it can be helpful to try different ways to study your course material to see which style (or combination of learning styles) works best for you. Read on for some tips on how to figure out how you learn best and how to study better.

What Are the Different Learning Styles?

What Is Visual Learning?

Visual learners learn best by seeing. When trying to understand and retain information, they prefer information presented in a visual (rather than a written) format. This could include:

  • Illustrations
  • Graphs and diagrams
  • Videos
  • Demonstrations
  • Handouts with images

They can often picture what they are learning in their heads, and sometimes close their eyes to help them visualize. They often use flashcards, mind maps, and color-coded notes to help them learn.

What Is Auditory Learning?

Auditory (or aural) learners learn by hearing information. They learn best from:

  • Lectures (or recordings of lectures)
  • Podcasts
  • Audiobooks 
  • Reading information out loud 
  • One-on-one tutoring (where information is discussed)

Auditory learners usually need to hear someone present information, or read information out loud themselves, to be able to retain it. 

What Is Reading/Writing Learning?

Reading and writing learners learn best when information is presented as words and text. They like to learn by:

  • Making lists
  • Reading and taking notes
  • Highlighting important details in their notes or handouts
  • Creating presentations

They often benefit from repetition in their learning, such as rewriting notes or rereading summaries. They like to take information and summarize it in a way that makes sense to them.

What Is Kinesthetic Learning?

Also sometimes known as tactile learning, kinesthetic learners learn by touching and doing. They learn through:

  • Hands-on experience
  • Conducting experiments 
  • Making models
  • Manipulating or touching objects or materials
  • Practicing something to learn it (e.g., building, drawing, or movement)

Kinesthetic learners typically prefer shorter bursts of studying and might find it difficult to sit still for extended periods of time. They prefer to be an active participant, rather than listening or watching a demonstration. 

How to Find Your Learning Style

If you want to get a better sense of your learning style, think about how you generally approach learning new material. For example, imagine you want to learn how to make bread. There are multiple ways to learn how to do this:

  •  If you look at step-by-step pictures of the bread-making process, that’s visual learning.
  •  If you listen to a podcast on how to bake bread, that’s auditory learning.
  •  If you read a recipe in a cookbook, that’s learning through reading/writing.
  •  If you watch a demonstration of a baker making bread and then try it yourself, that’s kinesthetic learning.

You may find that several of these styles appeal to you, and it’s fine to mix and match study methods to develop the approach that suits you best.

There are also a number of learning style quizzes (e.g., Education Planner, VARK, and Learn English) that can help you work out what suits you best. 

How Can I Study Effectively?

Now that you have a broad overview of the different learning styles, you can use them to focus on making a study plan that works for you. Here are a few ways to efficiently use these different learning methods to help you better absorb new material.

  1. Vary Your Study Methods

One strategy to study more effectively is to approach the topic or skill in various ways. For example, if you’re learning a new computer skill, instead of just reading about it (reading or writing learning style), you can watch a related video demonstration, listen to a step-by-step audio recording, and try it out for yourself. Approaching new material in multiple ways helps you become more confident in your skills and further reinforces what you’ve learned.

  1. Teach Someone What You Know

Once you’ve absorbed a new topic, it can be helpful to teach someone else what you’ve learned (using whatever method you feel most comfortable with). Explaining or demonstrating what you’ve learned to someone else allows you to work through the material at your own pace and ensures you’re not missing any crucial steps or information. You can even use their questions to pinpoint the areas you need to focus on for yourself.

  1. Dedicate Time to Study

If you’re trying to learn a new skill or concept in your free time, it can be easy to get distracted by life, like kids, pets, a job, or household tasks. But you’ll get the most out of studying if you set aside some distraction-free time to review the material, even if it’s just for a few minutes a day. Studying while doing something else, like cooking or cleaning, can have a negative impact on how well you retain the information. In other words, don’t try to multitask!

Becoming a Proofreader

If you’re interested in trying out these study tips and learning a new skill, why not take our online courses? Our Becoming a Proofreader and Becoming an Editor courses incorporate several learning methods through well-organized course content, webinars, online resources, module quizzes, and more. And if you pass both Becoming a Proofreader and Becoming An Editor with distinction scores of at least 80%, you’re guaranteed work with our partner company, Proofed! Sign up for a free trial today.

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7 Remote Jobs You Can Get Certified for Online Mon, 09 Oct 2023 10:00:00 +0000 Have you ever wondered if it’s possible to find rewarding, well-paying remote jobs you can get certified for online? The answer – it is! These days, more and more people are searching for educational options outside of a traditional, in-person classroom environment. Remote learning comes with a host of benefits – such as flexibility, convenience, […]

The post 7 Remote Jobs You Can Get Certified for Online appeared first on Knowadays.

Have you ever wondered if it’s possible to find rewarding, well-paying remote jobs you can get certified for online? The answer – it is!

These days, more and more people are searching for educational options outside of a traditional, in-person classroom environment. Remote learning comes with a host of benefits – such as flexibility, convenience, and accessibility. Whether you want to change careers or start a freelance side hustle, online certification could be the ideal option for you. In this post, we’ll discuss seven remote jobs you can get certified for online and how Knowadays can help you achieve your career goals.

Keep reading to learn how you can kick-start your new career from the comfort of your own home!

7 Remote Jobs You Can Train for Online

Everyone has unique soft skills, employment experience, and requirements for remote work. However, if you know what to look for, you can find a remote job that fits your lifestyle. We’ve compiled a list of seven rewarding, flexible jobs for which you can earn a professional certificate by training online.

1. Proofreader

Do you enjoy reading as a hobby and tend to spot even the most subtle errors and typos in whatever you read? Proofreading could be the job for you! Proofreaders review a wide variety of texts for surface-level issues like grammatical mistakes, misspellings, and punctuation errors prior to publication. You don’t need a specialized degree to pursue a career as a proofreader, but pursuing an online proofreading course and a professional certificate helps you polish your skills and stand out among the competition.

2. Editor

Like proofreading, editing involves making changes to a text prior to publication, but the process is typically more intensive than proofreading. Editors usually have the freedom to make major structural and organizational changes to a text, as well as to suggest ways to improve elements like tone of voice, character and plot development, and pacing. If you’re interested in a career as an editor, you’ll need to have excellent language skills and a keen eye for detail, and you can obtain an editing certificate online to boost your qualifications and hone your skills.

3. Freelance Writer

With the amount of content published on the internet at an all-time high, quality freelance writers are in demand! Freelance writers create content of all types for individuals and businesses, such as blog posts, website copy, and marketing materials. Some freelance writers are generalists who write content on a wide variety of topics and subjects, and some choose to specialize in a niche, such as technology or finance.

You don’t need a degree to become a freelance writer, but an online course or certification program could help you develop the relevant skills, such as incorporating SEO techniques and structuring articles, and learn what clients are looking for.

4. Bookkeeper

Do you love balancing a budget and keeping records of what you spend? If the answer is yes, then a career as a bookkeeper could be for you! Many businesses, especially small businesses, need bookkeepers to manage and keep track of income, expenses, invoices, and financial statements. If this piques your interest, then consider a bookkeeping program that offers certification online.

5. Online Tutor

Do you have a teaching or educational background but want to work remotely outside of a classroom setting? Online tutoring could be the solution you’re looking for. Online tutors can work independently or for an agency and specialize in a range of subjects (e.g., math, languages, college preparation). If you don’t already have the relevant degree or background, consider an online certificate in your preferred subject matter, such as teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL).

6. Website Designer

Most businesses maintain some sort of online presence, making professional website design a highly in-demand service. As a web designer, you can work with businesses, non-profit organizations, government agencies, or individuals to design and implement both the practical elements and aesthetic features of websites. If you want to become a web designer, you have multiple options for professional development, including fully online certification programs.

7. Virtual Assistant

A virtual assistant provides remote administrative and/or technical support to companies (sometimes multiple companies). They perform a variety of essential everyday tasks, such as customer service, appointment booking, social media management, and email support. While a certificate or degree isn’t mandatory to work as a virtual assistant, becoming certified can enhance your credibility and marketability to potential clients.

Knowadays Courses

If you’re interested in becoming a freelance proofreader, editor, or freelance writer, check out one of our courses! They’ll equip you with everything you need to launch your new career – including certification and guaranteed work options. Claim your free trial and get started today!

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Do Freelance Writers Need a Professional Development Plan? Fri, 06 Oct 2023 10:00:00 +0000 Do freelancers need a professional development plan? The short answer is, yes! It’s always wise to have a plan for your career, whether you freelance or work for someone else. Freelance writers are no exception. A professional development plan can help you decide on your goals and establish a plan to achieve them. Planning the […]

The post Do Freelance Writers Need a Professional Development Plan? appeared first on Knowadays.

Do freelancers need a professional development plan? The short answer is, yes! It’s always wise to have a plan for your career, whether you freelance or work for someone else. Freelance writers are no exception. A professional development plan can help you decide on your goals and establish a plan to achieve them.

Planning the next steps in your career doesn’t need to be difficult. This post will:

  1. Define what Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is
  2. Explain what professional development plans (PDPs) are
  3. Tell you why you should have a PDP
  4. Outline six simple steps for creating your PDP
  5. Provide you with an exciting opportunity for your CPD

What Is Continuing Professional Development?

In brief, CPD is the process of improving your professional skills or gaining new ones. While this is very important for freelancers, it’s not always the easiest because you don’t have access to the same kinds of training resources that you might while working for a larger business or corporation.

If you are motivated to work on your own professional development, the process doesn’t have to be difficult. CPD can be done in many different ways, for example:

  • Watching instructional videos
  • Studying books and other training materials
  • Being mentored (or shadowing) another professional
  • Receiving a qualification in your field
  • Enrolling in a formal training course

What Is a Professional Development Plan?

A PDP helps you define your professional development goals and come up with a strategy for accomplishing them.

Often, a PDP will take the form of a document that you create. You should start out by listing the knowledge and skills that you already possess. Then, you need to set yourself goals based on what you want to improve or what new skills or knowledge you want to acquire. Last, you need to come up with a plan for success.

Why Should You Set Professional Development Goals?

Adhering to CPD and coming up with a PDP can have a multitude of benefits. By setting realistic professional development goals, you can:

  • Be more efficient with your time
  • Make sure all your skills are up to date
  • Be more confident in taking on more difficult contracts
  • Provide proof that you and your freelance business are credible
  • Make sure you are challenged and motivated by your career
  • Have an opportunity to interact with other freelancers and professionals

How to Create a Professional Development Plan

PDPs are vital to any professional, especially if you want to be a successful freelance writer. Thankfully, creating an easy-to-follow PDP doesn’t have to be difficult if you follow these simple steps.

1. Assess Yourself

Start by writing out all the skills you have and then assessing which ones could use some improvement. It’s important to start the process by thoroughly defining your starting point. Then, you can begin to define what hopes and goals you have for your professional development.

Evaluating yourself can be a difficult task. To help jump-start the process, the Big Five, Sixteen Personalities, or DISC personality tests can help.

2. Set Your Goals

Now that you have found out where you are, you can decide where you want to be. It is important to set long-, mid-, and short-term goals. In general, you should start by setting one long-term goal, deciding the steps it will take to accomplish that goal, and then organizing it all into the mid- and short-term steps.

From your self-assessment, you should know what knowledge or skills you want to enhance or attain to make you a better freelance writer so when you are setting your goals, you can take your desired learning outcomes into consideration.

Examples of CPD goals might include:

Some people can become frustrated when they set goals but never get close to achieving them. It is important that your goals are reasonable. Using SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound) goals can help in this process.

4. Come Up With a Strategy

Now that you know what professional areas you want to focus on developing, you need to decide how you’re going to do it. An obvious choice is to train in skills you believe you are missing, but you also want to consider working on areas where you feel you need improvement.

For example, using AI in writing is becoming more and more popular. Some people are keen on using this new tool, while others believe it could ultimately replace freelance writers. Learning how to use, or deal with, the emergence of AI could be part of your professional development goals that you will need to come up with a strategy for.

Finding courses, textbooks, or knowledgeable instructors and mentors are all effective ways to accomplish your goals.

5. Create a Reasonable Timeline and Track Your Progress

Creating a timeline and setting reasonable deadlines are important to staying on track. When you set your goals, you need to decide how long they will reasonably take to accomplish (e.g., a week, a month, a year).

Remember to track short-, mid-, and long-term goals when creating your timeline. Your timeline doesn’t need to be rigid; if you miss a deadline, that’s okay. Just remember to keep track and update things when necessary.

6. Rinse and Repeat

So, what do you do when you’ve met all your goals? Well, it is important to consider the C in CPD – it stands for continuing. Your professional development should be ongoing. That way you will continue to be challenged and improve as a freelance writer. Once your goals have been met, go back to step one of this plan, reassess yourself, and then come up with a new PDP.

Becoming a Freelance Writer

If you want to become a freelance writer or already are one and want to improve your skills, we have good news for you.

Our Becoming A Freelance Writer course will teach you everything you need to know about getting started as a freelance writer. Best of all, it is CPD accredited and will keep your skills up-to-date and competitive.

Don’t delay; start your free trial today!

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5 of the Best Copy Editing Courses You Can Do Online Sat, 30 Sep 2023 10:00:00 +0000 If you’re looking for copy editing courses, you’re in the right place! Copy editing is a varied and rewarding career. Although you don’t need any particular qualifications to get started, a copy editing course is a great way to build your confidence, gain the skills necessary to become a top-notch editor, and ensure your resume […]

The post 5 of the Best Copy Editing Courses You Can Do Online appeared first on Knowadays.

If you’re looking for copy editing courses, you’re in the right place! Copy editing is a varied and rewarding career. Although you don’t need any particular qualifications to get started, a copy editing course is a great way to build your confidence, gain the skills necessary to become a top-notch editor, and ensure your resume stands out from the crowd.

But how can you decide which course to take when there are so many options available?

Our guide to five of the best copy editing courses will help you see what’s available and choose which option is best for you. We’ll look at:

  1. Knowadays: Becoming An Editor
  2. Editorial Freelancers Association (EFA): Copyediting Beginning
  3. Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading (CIEP): Copyediting 1 (Introduction)
  4. Publishing Training Centre (PTC): Essential Copy-Editing
  5. UC San Diego: Copyediting

The Best Online Copy Editing Courses

1. Knowadays: Becoming An Editor

With 35 comprehensive lessons, including dozens of interactive exercises like try-it-yourself questions and quizzes, our Becoming An Editor course teaches all of the essential copy editing skills you will need to master to become a sought-after editor.

The course covers copy, line, comprehensive, and developmental editing and how to improve different types of writing – from academic documents to commercial copy and creative fiction. Plus, you’ll learn how to build a solid foundation for your freelance career: how to market your business, how to communicate effectively with clients, how to manage projects and deadlines, and more.

You’ll have one-to-one access to our friendly tutors and 24/7 support. You can take as long as you like to complete the course, with lifetime access provided (but it usually takes three to four weeks if you study five hours a week).

Our courses are CPD-accredited, and you will receive a certificate of completion.

If you complete both the Becoming An Editor and Becoming A Proofreader courses and achieve a score of more than 80% in each, you will qualify for guaranteed work with our partner company, Proofed.

On its own, Becoming An Editor costs $499 (£399), but you will save 15% if you choose our course bundle.

2. EFA: Copyediting Beginning

The EFA’s course, Copyediting: Beginning, is open to students of all levels and covers the basics of copy editing. An intermediate-level course is available for learners looking to refresh or further hone their skills.

This course largely follows the conventions set out in the Chicago Manual of Style (CMoS).

The EFA provides two types of online courses: traditional and self-paced. This course is self-paced, meaning there is no instructor feedback (although learners can participate in regular live Q and A sessions held on Zoom if they choose). However, you’ll receive full access to the course content for a year, meaning you can review and return to lessons at your own convenience.

EFA courses don’t include graded assignments, and you do not receive a certificate of completion.

The course is $190. There is sometimes limited availability, so make sure to book your seat quickly.

3. CIEP: Copyediting 1 (Introduction)

CIEP’s copy editing training is split into three parts. Copyediting 1: Introduction covers the foundations of copy editing while Copyediting 2: Headway and Copyediting 3: Progress build upon these skills and explore key concepts in further detail.

Copyediting 1: Introduction is recommended for beginners. It covers the differences between proofreading and copy editing, how a copy editor works on texts, what they are expected to spot, and how far to go when making changes.

There are two learning options available: self-paced or live webinar. If you choose the live webinar option, you will need to be able to commit to five live webinar sessions (one per week), each lasting a maximum of two hours. If you choose the self-paced option, you will have access to the course materials for six months and can progress at your own pace.

The course is not assessed, but up to one hour of tutor support is included in the course price. If you need extra support, you can buy more tutor hours.

While CIEP courses are not accredited, they are widely recognized in the industry. You will receive a certificate of recognition upon completing the course, as well as three CIEP upgrade points that you can use toward upgrading your membership.

The self-paced course is £110 for CIEP members and £180 for non-members. The webinar course is £195 for CIEP members and £320 for non-members.

4. The PTC: Essential Copy-Editing

The PTC’s Essential Copy-Editing course takes you through the entire copy editing process from start to finish. It covers both fiction and non-fiction copy editing, fundamental skills, and guidance on tackling specialist document types.

The course is self-paced, with around 70 hours of material, but you must complete it within 18 months of enrollment. You can continue the course beyond this period, but you will incur a £75 fee.

At the start of the course, you will be assigned a personal tutor who will support you throughout your studies (and for up to three months after). There are seven units, each containing self-check exercises plus a longer assignment.

You will receive a certificate of completion and entry into the PTC’s Freelance Finder, which can be used by publishers when looking for a qualified copy editor. You can also earn 10–20 CIEP upgrade points.

The course costs £495 upfront, but you can pay in three installments of £215, £140, and £140.

5. UC San Diego: Copyediting

UC San Diego’s Copyediting course is a comprehensive course that provides an overview of the essential tools and techniques required for a copy editing career. Like the EFA course, this course uses the CMoS but covers various style guides used in the industry.

The course can be completed in 12 months. It is not self-paced; you are expected to complete weekly assignments and conduct exercises outside of your learning hours. Most students spend three to six hours a week on the coursework. You can reach out to your instructor for help if you need it.

The course costs $2,950 in total.

Side-by-Side Comparison

Key FeaturesLearning SupportCertificationPricing
Knowadays: Becoming An EditorCovers academic, business, and creative editing

Guaranteed work with Proofed if you pass Becoming An Editor and Becoming A Proofreader with distinction
One-to-one access to our friendly tutors 

24/7 support

Certificate of completion
$499 (£399) for Becoming An Editor

$849 (£678) for bundle with Becoming A Proofreader course
EFA: Copyediting BeginningLargely follows the conventions of the CMoSNo instructor feedback 

One live Q and A session
Not accredited

No certificate of completion
CIEP: Copyediting 1 (Introduction)Covers editing workflows and the differences between copy editing and proofreading 

Three CIEP upgrade points
Access to an experienced tutorNot accredited, but widely recognized in the industry 

Certificate of completion
Self-paced course: £110 for members and £180 for non-members 

Webinar course: £195 for members and £320 for non-members
Publishing Training Centre (PTC): Essential Copy-EditingAdvice on tackling specific document types 

Entry into PTC’s Freelance Finder

10–20 CIEP upgrade points
A personal tutor who will support you through your course and for up to three months afterwardWidely recognized course 

Certificate of completion
£495 upfront or three payments of £215, £140, and £140
UC San Diego: CopyeditingA structured program

You must complete exercises every week
Access to one-to-one supportCertificate of completion$2,950

Which Copy Editing Course Is Best for You?

Ultimately, you should choose the copy editing course that’s right for you. This will depend on:

  • How much time you have to work on the course
  • What your budget is
  • Whether you want a self-paced or instructor-led course

If you are still struggling to decide which course you want to do, you can try our courses for free. And if you change your mind after purchasing the full course, we’ve got a 14-day money-back guarantee. Don’t hesitate to reach out to our customer service team if you have any questions!

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5 Reasons You Should Take an Online Copy Editing Course Fri, 29 Sep 2023 10:00:00 +0000 As an aspiring copy editor, you might wonder whether taking an online copy editing course is worth the time and money. While a certification in copy editing isn’t mandatory, it can be a game-changer, especially if you hope to start your own business. In this blog post, you’ll learn: 5 Reasons You Should Take an […]

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As an aspiring copy editor, you might wonder whether taking an online copy editing course is worth the time and money. While a certification in copy editing isn’t mandatory, it can be a game-changer, especially if you hope to start your own business.

In this blog post, you’ll learn:

  • Reasons to enroll in an online copy editing course
  • New knowledge about the exciting world of copy editing
  • What to consider when choosing a copy editing course

5 Reasons You Should Take an Online Copy Editing Course

Whether you’re new to copy editing or have some experience already, there are lots of benefits to taking a copy editing course.

1. To Make a Career Change

Tired of the Monday-to-Friday rat race? Looking to change careers? Online courses can be the ideal gateway to a flexible, varied new career like copy editing. Although there are no shortcuts (building a new career will always take time!), an online course can help expedite the process. You’ll have access to the most relevant, up-to-date learning materials, support from industry experts, and will often gain a certification to demonstrate your knowledge to potential employers or clients.

2. To Develop Relevant Skills

If you don’t know exactly what copy editing involves, an online course can get you up to speed and help you develop the relevant skills for the job. As a copy editor, you will be expected to:

  • Correct spelling mistakes
  • Fix grammatical errors
  • Make sure punctuation is used correctly
  • Address any formatting inconsistencies
  • Ensure a consistent tone
  • Edit (or remove) content that’s inappropriate for the intended audience
  • Clarify meaning
  • Fact-check information

A copy editing course will teach you exactly how to identify (and rectify) errors and inconsistencies in a document. Plus, many copy editing courses include practical exercises, which give you the opportunity to put what you’ve learned into practice and start to refine your skills.

3. To Showcase Your Expertise

If you’re new to copy editing, a copy editing course – especially one that comes with certification – can be a great way to demonstrate your skills to potential clients. Even if you don’t have much experience, the fact that you’ve taken the time to understand and develop the skills you need shows that you are committed to your work. Having a certification on your resume adds an extra level of credibility and could give you a competitive edge over those who haven’t taken the time to gain a certification.

4. To Boost Your Career Prospects

If you are already in the industry, a copy editing course is the perfect way to ensure your continuing professional development. It can help you refresh your existing skills and keep your knowledge completely up-to-date. This shows clients that you are still passionate about the industry and committed to maintaining the highest possible standards. You may even be able to raise your rates!

5. To Find Networking Opportunities

Enrolling in a course allows you to connect with like-minded individuals who share your passion for the English language and editing. You can discuss your work, seek (and offer) support or mentorship, and reap all the benefits that come with being part of a community.

These connections could also benefit you in the future. For example, if one of your connections needs to outsource some of their work, you could be first in line! Similarly, if they need to turn down a project, they might recommend you for the opportunity.

Choosing a Copy Editing Course

There are lots of benefits to learning online, but you need to know how to choose the right online course for you. Here are six things to consider:

1. What Is the Duration of the Course?

It’s important to choose a course that fits around any other commitments you have. Think about how much time you have to dedicate to studying: Would you prefer full or part-time study? Would you prefer self-paced learning or a fixed schedule? Some courses are prescriptive, whereas others allow you to work through the content as and when it suits you.

2. How Are Lessons Formatted?

Do you have a preferred learning style? Make sure you choose a course that suits your needs. Some courses include elements like videos, quizzes, and try-it-yourself activities, whereas others are more textbook based.

3. What Does the Course Cover?

Examine the curriculum and course outline. Ensure that the course is up-to-date and covers all the relevant topics and skills. We recommend a course that:

  • Covers the basics of copy, line, comprehensive, and developmental editing
  • Explores the skills involved in editing different types of writing
  • Teaches you about the editing workflows used in different industries
  • Provides advice on working with clients (e.g., finding and communicating with clients and setting rates)

4. Will You Get a Certification?

Although certification isn’t always essential to secure work, there are several benefits. Firstly, adding a certification to your resume is a great way to prove your skills. It shows that you are committed to learning and that your knowledge is completely up-to-date. Secondly, certifications can help to build credibility, especially when you are new to an industry. Clients are more likely to trust your expertise if you hold a relevant certification.

5. Will You Have Access to Support?

While online courses are often more hands-off than in-person courses, it’s still important that you have access to support if you need it. Support can come in many forms, such as email or telephone support from a tutor, online “classrooms” or webinars, and online forums, and is essential if you have a question or concern. You don’t want to struggle in silence!

6. What Are Other Learners Saying?

Reading reviews and testimonials from past learners can provide valuable insights into the quality of the course and the instructors’ teaching styles and effectiveness. As well as the official site of the course provider, it’s worth checking other online reviews (for example on Trustpilot) to see what people have to say.

Becoming an Editor

Do you dream of working remotely as a freelance editor? Our comprehensive Becoming An Editor course can help you launch your new freelance career. Try it for free today!

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Should You Take a Freelance Writing Course? Wed, 13 Sep 2023 10:00:00 +0000 With the rise of remote work and the increasing popularity of freelancing, more and more people are considering freelance writing as a viable means of earning income.  But is taking a freelance writing course necessary for your writing career to thrive? We take a look at three reasons why you should consider taking a freelance […]

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With the rise of remote work and the increasing popularity of freelancing, more and more people are considering freelance writing as a viable means of earning income. 

But is taking a freelance writing course necessary for your writing career to thrive?

We take a look at three reasons why you should consider taking a freelance writing course:

  • You’re planning on starting a new career as a freelance writer.
  • You want to develop your current skills or offer new services.
  • You want to prove you have the skills clients are looking for.

3 Reasons to Take a Freelance Writing Course

While you don’t need a qualification to become a freelance writer, taking a writing course can have many benefits whatever stage you’re at in your career.

Below are three reasons why taking a freelance writing course could be the right option for you.

1. You Want to Kickstart a New Career

With the promise of flexible hours and the chance to work from anywhere, freelance writing is an attractive career option for many.

But breaking into this industry can be difficult if you don’t have the right skills or experience behind you.

Taking a freelance writing course can help you turn your writing dream into a reality by teaching you:

Taking a writing course can also provide you with the opportunity to practice your writing and hone your abilities. You may even get the opportunity to develop pieces for your writing portfolio.

2. You Want to Refresh Your Existing Skills

It’s important to make continuing professional development part of your freelance journey, whatever stage you’re at in your career. So, if you already have writing experience or a freelance background, taking a writing course can help you develop and sharpen those existing skills.

You might choose to update your current skill set or expand your repertoire further by training in new or complementary skills.

For example, undergoing a freelance writing course could help you specialize in a service such as writing for search engine optimisation (SEO).

This can help you attract new clients, command higher rates, and grow your business.

3. You Want Proof of Your Skills for Your Resume

When potential employers and clients look for freelance writers to work with, they want to be reassured that you possess the right skills for the job.

One of the best ways to demonstrate that you have the skills they’re looking for is by taking a writing course.

Freelance writing courses can act as proof of your abilities by providing you with:

  • Completion certificates
  • CPD points, or other forms of accreditation
  • Feedback from industry experts
  • Writing samples
  • Evidence that you are passionate about your profession

So, when you complete a freelance writing course, make sure to include it in your resume.

Choosing a Freelance Writing Course

Once you’ve decided to take a course, the next step is finding the right one for you.

The course you choose will depend on a number of factors, including:

  • What stage you’re at in your freelance career
  • What your career goals are
  • Your budget
  • Your preferred learning methods

For an idea of the top freelance writing courses currently available, take a look at our breakdown of 5 of the Best Freelance Writing Courses for Beginners.

Becoming A Freelance Writer

Whether you’re looking to launch a career in freelance writing or develop your existing skills, our Becoming A Freelance Writer course delivers expert training to help you succeed.

Learn how to write professional blog posts, advance your SEO skills, and market your freelance business through eight comprehensive modules.

And, if you’re not sure it’s the right course for you, you can try it out for free—no strings attached.

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5 of the Best Freelance Writing Courses for Beginners Mon, 11 Sep 2023 10:00:00 +0000 Interested in a career as a freelance writer? Taking a freelance writing course is a great place to start. We’ve put together a list of five of the best freelance writing courses for beginners to help you choose the one that’s right for you. Our top five candidates are: Keep reading to find out more […]

The post 5 of the Best Freelance Writing Courses for Beginners appeared first on Knowadays.

Interested in a career as a freelance writer? Taking a freelance writing course is a great place to start.

We’ve put together a list of five of the best freelance writing courses for beginners to help you choose the one that’s right for you.

Our top five candidates are:

  • Knowadays: Becoming A Freelance Writer
  • Peak Freelance: Freelance Writing Essentials
  • Filthy Rich Writer: Comprehensive Copywriting Academy
  • Write Your Way to Your First $1k
  • Make a Living Writing: Freelance Writers Den

Keep reading to find out more about each course.

The Best Online Writing Courses for Beginners

Taking a freelance writing course can help you develop your writing skills and learn how to run a freelance writing business.

But with so many course options out there, choosing one might seem overwhelming.

That’s why we’re showcasing five freelance writing courses that we think are perfect for beginners.

For each course, we’ll break down:

  • What you’ll learn
  • The course’s unique features
  • What support is provided
  • How much it costs

So, without further ado, let’s get into our picks of the five best freelance writing courses.

1. Knowadays: Becoming A Freelance Writer

Our Becoming A Freelance Writer course is a newcomer to the game, but with comprehensive training from freelance experts and the chance to produce content for our blog, it’s a great choice for beginners.

The eight course modules cover:

  • An introduction to the course
  • What content writing is
  • How to prepare for a project
  • How to write blog posts and articles
  • How to make use of SEO
  • An article case study
  • How to build your business
  • A final assignment

Knowadays learners also receive one-on-one tutor support, a graded final assignment, and access to resources, checklists, and templates.

Plus, successful graduates are given the opportunity to take on freelance writing work for the Knowadays blog.

Learners can sign up for a seven-day free trial to try Becoming A Freelance Writer. The full course costs $599 for lifetime access.

2. Peak Freelance: Freelance Writing Essentials

The Freelance Writing Essentials course is designed to train new freelancers in the art of building a freelance writing business.

Created by experienced writers Michael Keenan and Elise Dopson, the course is divided into six video-based modules that focus on:

  • What freelance writing is (and isn’t)
  • How to market yourself
  • The legal side of freelancing
  • How to write content
  • How to find clients
  • Workflow and project management

While it doesn’t devote much time to the art of writing itself, the Freelance Writing Essentials course is great for new freelancers looking to understand how the world of freelance writing works.

The course costs $99 for lifetime access, which includes downloadable resources, checklists, and templates. After taking the course, learners can choose to become a Peak Freelance member and develop their skills further.

3. Filthy Rich Writer: Comprehensive Copywriting Academy

Filthy Rich Writer founder Nicki Krawczyk developed her Comprehensive Copywriting Academy course for new freelancers looking to specialize in copywriting.

Before buying the course, you can watch a free training video that teaches you how to land work as a freelance copywriter and explains what the Comprehensive Copywriting Academy has to offer.

The course itself includes six modules, which cover:

  • The basics of copywriting
  • How to improve your copywriting skills
  • What a copywriting project involves
  • Digital vs. print copywriting
  • Growing a freelance copywriting business

Lifetime access to Comprehensive Copywriting Academy costs a one-time fee of $697, or three monthly payments of $257.

In addition to the course content, this price also includes:

  • Online support
  • Regular calls from a designated coach
  • Exclusive events such as seminars and workshops

4. Write Your Way to Your First $1k

Write Your Way to Your First $1k (or simply Write to $1k) is a freelance writing course from professional writer Elna Cain.

The course is aimed at helping new freelance writers earn an income quickly, even if they have no prior freelance or writing experience.

Write to $1k is split into 54 lessons across 7 modules, covering:

  • What to expect from freelance writing
  • How to establish your brand
  • Building a portfolio
  • Finding clients
  • How to pitch
  • Writing for online businesses
  • How to maintain your business

Lifetime access to the course costs $195, or three payments of $75.

For this price, learners also get access to cheat sheets, pitch and email templates, a private Facebook group, and success stories from previous clients.

5. Make a Living Writing: Freelance Writers Den

The Freelance Writers Den isn’t a traditional writing course, but rather a collection of comprehensive learning materials, resources, and advice for freelance writers of all abilities.

Devised by Make a Living Writing’s founder Carol Tice, the Freelance Writing Den gives members access to multiple short courses known as bootcamps. These bootcamps cover a wide variety of topics, from how to write persuasively to setting up a freelance website.

Membership of the Freelance Writers Den also comes with:

  • 300+ hours of video-based training
  • Exclusive community forums
  • Website, pitch, and professional bio reviews
  • Regular podcasts about freelance writing
  • Monthly Q&A sessions with expert freelancers

Access to the Freelance Writing Den costs a monthly membership fee of $40, or a yearly fee of $400.

While the Freelance Writers Den isn’t currently accepting new members, you can join the waiting list to be contacted when spaces are available. Signing up also gets you free access to Carol’s ebook, The Recession-Proof Freelancer.

Side-by-Side Comparison

Course ContentUnique FeaturesLearning SupportPricing
Knowadays: Becoming A Freelance WriterBlog post and article writing

Preparing for a project


Building a freelance business
Assessed final assignment

Guaranteed work for successful graduates
Yes; 24/7 support and one-on-one tutor feedback on final assignment$599
Peak Freelance: Freelance Writing EssentialsMarketing yourself

Freelancing and legal issues

Finding clients
Video-based courseNo$99 for initial course, $49 monthly fee for Peak Freelance membership
Filthy Rich Writer: Comprehensive Copywriting AcademyImproving your copywriting skills

Digital vs. print copywriting

Growing a freelance business
Access to exclusive events

Focus on copywriting
Yes; students are assigned a designated coach$697, or three payments of $257
Write Your Way to Your First $1kEstablishing a brand

Building a portfolio

Finding clients

Writing for businesses
Focus on business writing

Cheat sheets and writing challenges
Yes; access to private Facebook group$195, or three payments of $75
Make a Living Writing: Freelance Writers DenMarketing your business

Finding a niche

Developing your writing skills


Gaining confidence
Heavily community-based

Website and bio reviews provided
Yes; monthly live sessions with experienced freelancers$40 monthly membership fee, or $400 for one year

Which Freelance Writing Course Is Right for You?

Ultimately, when it comes to choosing a freelance writing course, the final decision will depend on what you want to achieve.

Consider your career goals, and keep in mind:

Our friendly customer service team is available 24/7 to answer any questions, so if you’re having trouble deciding if our course is right for you, why not get in touch?

And if you’re still not sure if you’ve made the right choice, our Becoming A Freelance Writer course comes with a 14-day money-back guarantee.

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Knowadays vs Proofread Anywhere: What’s the Difference? Fri, 23 Jun 2023 10:00:00 +0000 Taking an online course is a great way to kickstart your career as a freelance proofreader, and can provide you with the necessary skills, experience, and confidence you need to succeed. In this blog post, we carefully compare the proofreading courses offered by Knowadays and Proofread Anywhere to help you consider each option and choose […]

The post Knowadays vs Proofread Anywhere: What’s the Difference? appeared first on Knowadays.

Taking an online course is a great way to kickstart your career as a freelance proofreader, and can provide you with the necessary skills, experience, and confidence you need to succeed.

In this blog post, we carefully compare the proofreading courses offered by Knowadays and Proofread Anywhere to help you consider each option and choose the course that best suits you.

Knowadays vs Proofread Anywhere: Background


We are an online course provider offering courses in freelance proofreading and editing.

In August 2017, we launched Becoming A Proofreader, a course designed by industry experts at the proofreading and editing company Proofed.

In 2022, we introduced our Becoming An Editor course, which offers more specialized training and the chance to earn a higher income.

Proofread Anywhere

Proofread Anywhere provides courses in general proofreading and, more specifically, court transcript proofreading.

The General Proofreading: Theory and Practice™ course went live in April 2017. It was produced by professional court transcript proofreader and blogger Caitlin Pyle, who also delivers various workshops on related subjects.

Knowadays vs Proofread Anywhere: Key Features

To help you make your decision, we’ll be looking at a few key features of the courses offered by Knowadays and Proofread Anywhere.

Those features include:

  • What you’ll learn
  • The support system for learners
  • The cost of the course
  • Any certification involved
  • Exclusive perks
  • What previous learners have to say

Let’s dive in.

What Will You Learn?


The Becoming A Proofreader course is split into 13 modules covering types of errors and how to fix them, how to use proofreading tools and software (including Microsoft Word, Google Docs, and PDF editors), and some of the practical elements of working as a freelancer.

Becoming A Proofreader provides clear, in-depth explanations of what spelling, grammatical, and punctuation mistakes to look for and how to fix them, complete with quizzes to test your knowledge at the end of each module.

It also provides advice on how to deal with more substantive issues like tone or clarity, how to proofread typeset documents, and three potential areas proofreaders may specialize in: academic proofreading, business proofreading, and proofreading creative writing.

Proofread Anywhere

General Proofreading: Theory and Practice™ consists of material covering the basics of proofreading, including a refresher on how grammar and sentence structure work, as well as methods and best practices to adopt as a proofreader.

It then explores in detail how new proofreaders can launch their own proofreading business, before covering ways to market, maintain, and grow that business.

General Proofreading: Theory and Practice™ finishes up with tips from an industry insider on how to thrive as a freelancer and has the option to explore the first module of Transcript Proofreading: Theory and Practice™.

Throughout the course, learners are provided with helpful worksheets and quizzes.

How Are Learners Supported?


We offer free tutor support for all learners at any time.

This includes:

  • The provision of tutor contact details
  • One-to-one tutoring calls
  • Feedback on assignments

There is also a private Facebook group, in which graduates can come together and discuss all things proofreading, editing, and freelancing.

Proofread Anywhere

Proofread Anywhere does provide an option for tutor support, though it costs at least $40 per 30-minute session.

Alternatively, learners have lifetime access to a Facebook group for current students and graduates, where they can seek help and advice about the course from their peers.

How Much Does It Cost?


The Becoming A Proofreader course costs $499.

However, if you purchase it as a bundle with our Becoming An Editor course, you save 15% (or $149) on the total price of both courses.

You can also try either Becoming A Proofreader or Becoming An Editor for free by signing up for a trial course, which provides a taste of what the courses cover.

Proofread Anywhere

General Proofreading: Theory and Practice™ costs $497 for the Ignite version, or $597 for the Ignite Plus version.

If you watch the 76-minute introductory workshop video you can obtain a limited-time “scholarship” of $100, knocking the course price down to $397 (or $497 for the Ignite Plus version).

Do You Get Any Certification?


The Becoming A Proofreader course is CPD accredited.

This means that all learners who pass the final assignment receive a certificate that will be widely recognized and respected by potential clients, employers, and peers.

Proofread Anywhere

General Proofreading: Theory and Practice™ does provide you with the opportunity to earn a certificate.

However, in order to qualify for certification, you have to purchase the Ignite Plus version of the course and pass with a grade of 90% or above.

Are There Any Additional Features or Perks?


For learners who pass the final assignment with a score of 80% or more, we offer guaranteed work.

This is an opportunity to take on paid proofreading work with our partner company, Proofed, allowing new proofreaders to start gaining experience as soon as they finish the course.

Proofread Anywhere

Learners who pass the final exam are granted exclusive access to a Facebook group where they can discuss proofreading, freelancing, and marketing with other professionals.

The Proofread Anywhere website also contains many additional materials for learners, including ebooks and workshops from Caitlin Pyle.

The Ignite Plus version of the course also provides you with access to a professional marketing Facebook group and a listing in the Self-Publishing School’s Preferred Outsourcer Rolodex.

What Do the Reviews Say?


We have 424 reviews on Trustpilot, with an overall “Excellent” rating of 4.7 out of 5 stars.

Positive reviews for Becoming A Proofreader frequently mention:

  • The availability of tutor support
  • The comprehensive, thorough course material
  • The opportunities provided by the work guarantee

Proofread Anywhere

With a total of 60 reviews on Trustpilot, Proofread Anywhere has earned an overall “Excellent” rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars.

Positive reviews frequently mention:

  • The advice shared on marketing and finding clients
  • The quality of additional materials
  • The confidence the course provides new proofreaders


KnowadaysProofread Anywhere
Learning contentModules covering:
– Grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors
– Proofreading tools and software
– Proofreading for tone and clarity
– Proofreading academic, business, and creative writing
– Freelance tips
Modules covering:
– Grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors
– Proofreading theory
– How to set up a freelance business
– How to find clients
– Freelance lifestyle advice
Learner supportFree 24/7 tutor support
Peer support group
Paid 30-minute tutor sessions
Peer support group
Cost$499, or save 15% in a bundle with Becoming An Editor$497 for Ignite
$597 for Ignite Plus 
($100 discount available – see above)
CertificationYes (CPD accredited)Yes, if Ignite Plus version purchased (not CPD accredited)
Extra perksGuaranteed work with ProofedAccess to marketing tips group and additional materials
Reviews4.7/5 (424 reviews)4.5/5 (60 reviews)

Which Proofreading Course Is Best for You?

Ultimately, the best proofreading course for you depends on your own goals, needs, and learning style.

If you think our course could be the one for you, why not sign up for a free trial and give it a spin?

And if you change your mind, our 14-day money back guarantee means you don’t have to stick with us if we’re not the right fit.

Want to find out more? Schedule a chat with our friendly customer service team.

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5 of the Best Online Proofreading Courses for Beginners Wed, 21 Jun 2023 10:00:00 +0000 If you’re thinking of starting a career as a professional proofreader, online courses can get you started on your journey. But with so many options available, how do you decide which course to take? Our guide to five of the best online proofreading courses on the market will help you compare what’s on offer. We’ll […]

The post 5 of the Best Online Proofreading Courses for Beginners appeared first on Knowadays.

If you’re thinking of starting a career as a professional proofreader, online courses can get you started on your journey.

But with so many options available, how do you decide which course to take?

Our guide to five of the best online proofreading courses on the market will help you compare what’s on offer. We’ll take a look at:

  1. Knowadays: Becoming A Proofreader
  2. Proofread Anywhere: General Proofreading (Theory and Practice)
  3. CIEP: Proofreading 1 (Introduction)
  4. The Publishing Training Centre: Essential Proofreading Skills (Editorial Skills One)
  5. Udemy: (Proofreading Power Basics)

The Best Online Proofreading Courses for Beginners

We’re going to take a look at five popular proofreading courses and explore what they offer in terms of:

  • Curriculum
  • Key features
  • Learning support
  • Certification
  • Pricing

We’ll then summarize the key takeaways in the next section so you can make the best decision on which course is right for you.

1. Knowadays: Becoming A Proofreader

Our Becoming A Proofreader course comes complete with modules covering common errors in punctuation, spelling, and grammar, methods for approaching more complex issues such as tone, and specific training in proofreading business, creative, and academic writing.

Tutors are available 24/7 for free support, and the course includes a one-to-one support call, tutor feedback, and group seminars.

Our courses are CPD-accredited, and learners who successfully pass the final assignment will receive a certificate of completion.

If you complete both our Becoming a Proofreader and Becoming an Editor courses and achieve a score of more than 80% in both, you will qualify for a paid trial with our partner company, Proofed, so you can start earning immediately. 

Becoming A Proofreader costs £399. If you purchase the course bundle – which includes Becoming A Proofreader and the Becoming An Editor course – you get 15% off the price of both courses.

2. Proofread Anywhere: General Proofreading (Theory and Practice)

The General Proofreading (Theory and Practice) course that Proofread Anywhere offers explains the basics of proofreading, including spotting and fixing common errors, before providing in-depth, practical information on how to develop and market a freelance proofreading business.

Proofread Anywhere offers access to dozens of ebooks and workshops for learners, and for those who successfully complete the final assignment, the opportunity to network with professional proofreaders and editors is available.

You can access tutor support for at least $40 per 30-minute session. Learners also gain free lifetime access to a support group of peers and other learners.

General Proofreading (Theory and Practice) costs $497, or $597 if learners opt for the Ignite Plus version of the courses. The Ignite Plus version provides learners with the opportunity to take the final test and receive a certificate of completion.

3. CIEP: Proofreading 1 (Introduction)

The Proofreading 1 (Introduction) course that the Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading (CIEP) offers covers a variety of proofreading techniques, including how to proofread PDFs, how to work in Microsoft Word, and how to edit on paper using proofreading marks. The course is designed to provide an introduction to proofreading and covers topics such as the difference between proofreading and copy editing, the nature of the proofreading process, common proofreading conventions, and approaches to working with clients.

You can take the class either as a self-assessed online course or as a single-day, in-person workshop. Either form provides learners with three CIEP upgrade points, which can be put toward upgrading your CIEP membership.

Tutors provide all learners with one hour of email-based support, and additional time is available at a cost of £35 per hour.

CIEP courses are not accredited, but CIEP does provide certificates for successful completion that are widely respected in the industry.

As an online course, Proofreading 1 (Introduction) costs £128 for CIEP members and £213 for non-members.

4. The Publishing Training Centre: Essential Proofreading Skills (Editorial Skills One)

The Publishing Training Centre’s Essential Proofreading Skills (Editorial Skills One) course covers page and on-screen proofreading, with a particular focus on using Adobe Reader and Microsoft Word. The course also addresses how proofreaders can work with publishers and provides an overview of where proofreading fits into the publishing industry.

The course has multiple self-assessed exercises, with four longer assignments that tutors check and grade. Each learner is paired with a personal tutor for the duration of the course and receives access to tutor support for up to three months after completing the course.

Learners who successfully pass the course receive a recognized qualification from the Publishing Qualifications Board as well as 10 to 20 CIEP membership points.

Essential Proofreading Skills costs £395, with the option to split the cost into three installments. You can also receive the Publishing Training Centre’s Essential Grammar course for half the price if you buy it alongside Essential Proofreading Skills.

5. Udemy: Proofreading Power Basics

The Proofreading Power Basics course on Udemy’s online platform covers common proofreading errors and ways to fix them. There are also in-depth sections on how to work with style guides, how to use proofreading marks, and how to proofread numbers. Also included are proofreading checklists and a practice proofreading test.

In contrast to other proofreading courses, Udemy’s is delivered mainly through video, with accompanying exercises and resources available for learners to download and try themselves.

The course does not come with tutor support, but learners have lifetime access to the course and all available resources, which include self-assessed aptitude tests. Upon completing the course, learners receive discount codes for proofreading books and guides.

Proofreading Power Basics costs £89.99. Udemy often has sales on its courses for new users, though, so keep an eye out for a discount.

Side-by-Side Comparison

Key FeaturesLearning SupportCertificationPricing
KnowadaysTraining covering business, academic, and creative proofreading

Guaranteed work with Proofed if you pass both Becoming A Proofreader and Becoming An Editor with distinction
Free 24/7 tutor support

One-to-one calls

Group seminars
Yes; CPD-accredited$499 (£399) for Becoming A Proofreader course

$849 (£678) for bundle with Becoming An Editor course
Proofread AnywhereTraining specific to launching a freelance proofreading business

Access to professional marketing group and additional materials
30-minute support sessions offered for $40+

Access to group where learners can discuss course content
Yes, if Ignite Plus version purchased; not accredited$497 for Ignite version

$597 for Ignite Plus version
CIEPTraining for proofreading on paper, on PDF, and with Microsoft Word

Provides three CIEP upgrade points, which can be put toward upgrading CIEP membership
One hour free tutor support 

Additional hours available for £35
Yes; not accredited£128 for CIEP members

£213 for non-members
The Publishing Training CentreAn introduction to proofreading, with a focus on proofreading in the publishing industryPersonal tutor assigned to learners, with up to three months’ support after course completionYes; PQB-accredited£395
UdemyVideo-based training with downloadable resources, worksheets, and checklistsNo tutor support but lifetime access to learner discussion groupYes; not accredited£89.99

Which Proofreading Course Is Best for You?

Ultimately, the proofreading course you choose should be the one that’s right for you.

Before making your decision, consider:

  • How much time you can dedicate to a course
  • What your budget will cover
  • When (and how) you want to start proofreading

If you’re still struggling to pick one, you can always give our courses a go for free. And if you change your mind after purchasing the full course, we’ve got a 14-day money-back guarantee ready for you.

Any questions? Get in touch with our customer support team, available 24/7.

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