Business Tips
An archive of posts about starting your freelance business. Learn handy tips such as what to include in a business plan, how to set up a website, and ways to get the most out of your workspace.
Dos and Don'ts for Editing Client Testimonials
Dos and Don'ts for Editing Client Testimonials
Jun 19, 2021
Adding client testimonials on your website or social media is a great way to showcase the successes you’ve had on previous proofreading jobs. But can you make edits to client feedback before using it as a testimonial? And if so, what can you change? What Can You Do When Editing Testimonials? As a proofreader, you […]
How to Write Great Service Descriptions for Your Proofreading Website
How to Write Great Service Descriptions for Your Proofreading Website
May 23, 2021
Having a website is a great way to promote your proofreading services. But how should you describe the work you do? Your service descriptions are vital for winning new clients and finding work, so it is worth taking some time to perfect them. 1. Distinguish Between Different Types of Editing Remember, though, that it pays […]
5 Ways to Promote Yourself as a Freelance Proofreader
Mar 28, 2021
So you’ve decided to become a freelance proofreader. But how can you secure work? In this post, we suggest five ways you can promote yourself as a freelance proofreader: Set up a website where you can promote your services and update it regularly. Use social media to network and advertise your work. Join a proofreading […]
What Is a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)?
Jan 21, 2021
As a freelance proofreader, clients and proofreading agencies may ask you to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA). But what is a non-disclosure agreement? And what do you need to know before signing one? In this post, we set out the basics of how NDAs work. What Is a Non-Disclosure Agreement? A non-disclosure agreement (often abbreviated […]
5 Tips for Designing a Freelance Proofreading Website
Nov 12, 2020
As a freelance proofreader, having a website is a great way to promote your services. But how do you create a freelance proofreading website? Our top tips include: Don’t Sweat the Technical Stuff – Making a website is much easier than it used to be, so you don’t need any special training to get started. […]
Freelance Tips: How to Keep Track of Your Finances
Aug 13, 2020
From sorting your taxes to irregular pay, keeping track of your finances as a freelance proofreader can be a challenge. But solid money management is a vital part of freelancing. And with this in mind, we’ve compiled a few tips to make managing your finances a little less intimidating (and a little less time consuming, […]
Freelance Tips: Confidentiality and Proofreading
Jun 04, 2020
Working as a freelance proofreader, you may sometimes encounter issues related to confidentiality. But it should be simple to avoid problems with privacy and confidentiality if you follow a few simple guidelines. Check out our advice below to find out more. Proofreading and Confidentiality Becoming A Proofreader Our comprehensive proofreading course will teach you everything […]
Freelance Tips: Should You Offer a Free Sample Edit?
May 28, 2020
Some freelance proofreaders offer new clients a free sample edit. This means checking part of a document for free so a client can see your work before committing to paying. But is this a good idea? And if so, how should you approach offering a free sample edit? Why Do Some Proofreaders Offer a Free […]
Freelance Tips: What to Do When a Client Won't Pay
Freelance Tips: What to Do When a Client Won't Pay
May 21, 2020
As a freelance proofreader, we hope your clients all pay promptly and in full. However, many freelancers do encounter clients who delay payment or ignore invoices.
Accounting Tools for Freelancers
Accounting Tools for Freelancers
Apr 30, 2020
As a freelance proofreader, you will need to keep track of your finances. And while this might seem intimidating, there are some great accounting tools for freelancers available. In this post, we look at three of the most popular accounting tools currently available. 1. QuickBooks Self-Employed QuickBooks is the biggest name in small business accounting. […]